Home Buy, Sell & Trade - World & Ancient Coins


lermishlermish Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭✭✭

Last price drop, if not sold before the upcoming Long Beach show I'm going to take them there and consign for auction if not sold.

Please feel free to DM with offers if interested or if you would like in slab pics.

Positive BST transactions with u1chicago, p0cketchange, Downtown1974, Zohar, Shrub68, Soldi, Rob41281, jclovescoins, JWP, DM679864, coinsexplorer, moursund, lordmarcovan, gowithmygut, scarsdalecoin, kirkmink, waverlycoins

AU Details - $120

XF45 - This is a bit wipey but an attractive and very tough coin. $2400

XF40 - This was a NGC 53 :/ - $155

XF45 - $130


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