akafocus, Please Deactivate My Membership at Your Site, Thanks
Posts: 549
<<It must be rough getting off the short bus and having the kids stare at you.
We have had 64 members join since July 6th for a total of 72. We have had 557 articles and have the current record for members on is 16. Not bad considering it is only a silent open since the 6th.
Click the link to below to see how many members YOU helped to find us. The information is at the bottom. It is too bad you can not be reasonable...
>> akafocus
I joined your site a few days ago. I couldn't care less about you pimping your site here or anywhere. Plus I was okay with your arrogance to others (maybe some deserved and some not). But I'll draw the line here with this statement. "It must be rough getting off the short bus and having the kids stare at you." In my book I do not like it, it may be a sad true statement for some less Focused kids. But I do not care to see statements like this coming from a person running a site I'm connected with, that may have a lot of kids in it or not. For me it's not funny trying to make a joke or trying to being funny at others expense. At CE I have butted heads with Auto, not seeing things eye-eye and he would always reply in his own way. But he has always allowed me to say my piece and he never got under my skin like your statement did. So please deactivate my membership at your site, as soon as you get time or is there a away I can do it?
Thanks, Mike
I am more then available via email/pm/IM. I will delete your account when you email the request to me.
uwftke26, Thanks for the trade we made you was one of my first here at CU.
akafocus, Thanks for apologizing for your thoughtless remark. And you are right I should have done this in private, but I didn't. Every time I see something like your statement on here or anywhere it is very disappointing to me especially from someone with all that background you have. So I figured since you did make the thoughtless remark, I'd do it this way and maybe someone other then you could learn a lesson from this. I hope you see where I was coming from and I hope there are no hard feelings. Good luck with your site.
Thanks, Mike
I made the comment to a member here who insults others at will. I allowed his personal attacks to cloud my judgement. He regularly insults me, my websites, members of my website as if we have done something wrong. He is joined by others from the same website he is associated with. They try to surpress others websites as if they are the only one. They have done this before to other sites and I am sure they will do it again.
It does not stop people from joining other sites. It does quite the opposite...
It was akafocus making it at uwftke26 and I agree.
akafocus ,
I do accept you apology , I do not see where it makes me a bigger man then I was yesterday. I'm a pretty big man, I do not need to be any bigger. On the politically incorrect thing, I cannot help you on, I'm not into politics, but I will tell you my maker has never been politically incorrect and never will be. Also it's a shame anyone will allow personal attacks to cloud ones judgment to make a thoughtless remark. Since this is your excuse, I sure hope you learned from it, or if anyone else reading this will see it's not good to let others dictate what comes out from you. I'm sorry the CE gang was able to push your buttons, but the way I see it it's just a couple of sites pimping each other out. Like I said before I have no problem with that. There are many massage boards out there and a lot have many members but they are just not active like CU is, I wonder why this is? Every since I became active here other sites for some reason bring there problem here to share with us or to cause new ones, I guess it's because CU is an open massage board, but it has to be more then just that, I think. Good Luck with your site.
Thanks for the input, I'm on the fence, I cannot decide which I like better. I'm leaning to my Marino card only cause I traded for it and the Jordan I had to buy. Let me know when you get that SPX record breaker auto from your friend, that's a nice one. If I can help you work it out on getting it faster let me know.
Thanks, Mike
It is one thing to state that one has morals and quite another to actually demonstrate them. I have yet to hear any apology from CE or its moderators for bashing me and posting negative comments in my threads or even outright calling me out in a dedicated thread. This sort of behavior is not honorable and needs to be addressed. Should any of my friends or team do such a thing they would be hearing from me. Thanks again memphis for your reply...