2005 P Kansas Quarter
Cud on REV buffalo back, OBV shows a line in the 2nd 0 of "2005", also the U in Trust has a die cud
What is an appropriate value for this? Thank you in advance.!
Welcome to the Forum.
Those are die chip on the U in trust and on the Buffalos back. There is no premium for those.
Also you do not show the Reverse, that is the Obverse you are showing. Can’t say about the
line as you don’t show it.
Please do not use screen shots, they are too pixilated to see detail clearly.
Hard to say exactly what is from that photo but whatever it is, it is too insignificant
to add any value. Don’t forget coining presses are run at high speed and quantity
takes priority over quality so small anomolies are normal. Unless it is a major error,
there is not much value in this type of thing. I would say your quarter is worth 25 cents.
Welcome to the Forum.
Those are die chip on the U in trust and on the Buffalos back. There is no premium for those.
Also you do not show the Reverse, that is the Obverse you are showing. Can’t say about the
line as you don’t show it.
REV for date photo..what is this and does it increase the value?
Please do not use screen shots, they are too pixilated to see detail clearly.
Hard to say exactly what is from that photo but whatever it is, it is too insignificant
to add any value. Don’t forget coining presses are run at high speed and quantity
takes priority over quality so small anomolies are normal. Unless it is a major error,
there is not much value in this type of thing. I would say your quarter is worth 25 cents.