Ducaton 1686 Spanish Nederland

Hi everyone! One man asked me to creat this theme, he can't open it himself here. Thanks for helping.
I have a question about the authenticity of this rare coin.
There are several passages on the Internet, I compared, but I'm not completely sure.
Here is a link to a similar one:
I would be glad to hear your opinions.
Looks counterfeit to me.
The faces on the lions are wrong they look happy instead of menacing. Charles eyes are wrong.
Also the font around the edge is the wrong style. It is also a half gram heavy.
Greenstang, thank you for your opinion. This man wants to be sure about this one before purchase, he reads the theme.

Here are some photos else:
If this is such a valuable coin, then why is it not certified.
Any doubt at all is enough to deter me from buying it.
Just the compare this photo to a photo of a genuine coin.
This coin is genuine, there’s nothing wrong witht the details or weight. And “why is it not certified” is not a compelling argument with world coins.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
In fact, here’s a die match for your comfort.

Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
Rexford, thank you. I think it's authentic coin too but i don't collect it.
Greenstang, in Russia we don't have developed market of coin's grading, so many coins without slabs.
Can anybody add something about the coin?
If somebody has any opinion please write it.
I have absolutely no expertise in this coin but I don't like the look of the portrait bust. It looks soft and granular like something you would see from a cast. It needs to be authenticated.
Maybe it's a feature of this type?
Here is a high resolution photo and a side for comparison.
Just strike weakness and planchet imperfections. Nothing unusual and certainly not cast.
You can even match the collar with the collar used on the example posted above - same letter punches and letter spacing/positioning. 100% genuine.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model