Assistance needed: Bank Leu Auction 47 catalogue

I would greatly appreciate information and possibly photos from the Bank Leu AG Zürich, Auction 47 catalogue (German coins from the collection of Virgil M. Brand, Part 2).
This catalogue has a ‘Deutsches Reich und Kolonien’ section, but I am uncertain if this includes any lots for German New Guinea.
If someone could confirm this to be the case, I would be grateful for photos of the German New Guinea lot descriptions and corresponding plates.
Thank you!
With the end-of-year holidays affording time for a thorough search, I was pleasantly surprised to locate digitised versions of the Bank Leu catalogues.
Gallica – the digital library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) – has digitised a large number of Bank Leu and, as known in later years, Leu Numismatik catalogues. Their holdings included five catalogues corresponding to German coins from the collection of Vigil Brand:
All are richly illustrated with plates. Auction 46 and Auction 67 both include forwards providing some context for the German portion of the Brand collection.
Auktion 47 did contain lots for German New Guinea. Fewer coins than expected though, roughly a third of what is recorded in the ledgers. Makes me curious what happened to the remainder... perhaps they appeared in a Sotheby auction.