Counterfeits or replica copies?
couple of 1870 Carson City quarters that i think are counterfeits, meant to deceive, , , no words replica or copy anywhere on either coin, weight is right on one coin as well, within +/- weight limit for series the other is lighter but not by much . sorry about photos, the stand took a dive and fine tuning adjustments are in-op at the present.
Fake. Mushy design details. Digits are the wrong shape and in the wrong position. Mint mark has the wrong position and wrong spacing between the cc's.
Unscrupulous sellers will try to pass coins like these, very valuable ones, not marked as copies, as the real deal to buyers who dont know any better. i acquired these in an estate, in a huge lot of misc items. these almost look like sand cast copies of coins, but they give me the impression that they were more like made by a token maker, they are "washed" or coated in silver to hide their true composition. sorry about the pictures, etc, or time that its taken to answer, im busy restoring my 68 Camaro that has been consuming almost all my available time lately. thanks for your input on the dates being off as well, i wasnt aware that the date designs were different and good information to know going forward, thank you
You guys are good evaluating images like that for counterfeits! The date actually isn't awful for a fake but as stated you can't get past just one die pairing and mint mark spacing for a genuine one!
The CC looks like a late date morgan's.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard