Geoff Wilson aka Sports Card Investor

Ironically I got into his videos after he was ripped by Sports Card Radio. I watched a lot of his National content and I have to admit I am a fan. It's different from SCR but I like both for the variety. Geoff's trade videos are really interesting to watch. Sports Card Nonsense is up there as well but I can tell they are newish collectors.
I watch Geoffs stuff sometimes. He is a newish collector as well. I believe he collected as a kid, and got back into it a few years ago. He is somewhat entertaining, but I certainly do not take any of his "advise" or "tips"
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
What is the Return on Investment of the cards he recommends?
Learning a hard lesson!
I didn't watch his investment picks shows, just the trade vids on YouTube. That is one part of the hobby I want to get back into.
Hiya Mike
I'm a big fan of youtube channels and if I were younger? I wouldn't mind having a channel.
We could talk for hours about "influencers" and breakers for sure.
If one does a lot of buying? Especially at shows? I think the subscription market movers would be of great assistance while buying since all you have to do is copy the card and it comes up from their data base.
On Geoff's predictions and recommendations? I'll just leave it at buyer beware.
On SCR and the twins? They're a riot to watch!
Plenty of good content. I'd recommend you take their sarcasm with a grain of salt - I'm sure they just want lots of clicks? Their "rap" on Geoff Wilson and PPP is kind of funny.
I'm in agreement that many of the new collectors - while know the price of everything - know little about the history and collective "value" in our hobby. But I'm sure they'll learn?
For anyone that hasn't gone to youtube? Anyone? I recommend a look. Very entertaining.
I think whether it’s Geoff or SCR etc, is that in the end , it’s impossible to not have the content relatively self serving. So taking stock on market predictions from influencers is probably not the best idea.
My collecting blog:
I like the YT content as well. I just jump around and find a topic/host I like. I don't think anyone on these boards would take their advice seriously but it is interesting for me to hear other hobbyist opinions.
Geoff maybe a newish collector, but he does have decent knowledge about modern cards.
Chasing Cardboard is by far the best in my opinion. Unfortunately they are actually out there finding deals worth filming, and doing a LOT of production in each video, so there isn’t much content. But when they release a video it’s must-watch.
I am also a fan of a smaller channel Junk Wax Hero. More traditional content but not self serving, just talks about what he sees in the news, and his pickups.
I love the trade videos. It's crazy seeing people doing five figure deals for modern.
Geoff is pretty smart on how he sells Market Movers subs. I do see the value if I was a big wheeler dealer at shows, it does help to set comps quickly (especially on modern cards) to get deals done. For vintage it doesn't sense but it hard to find comps on all of the different modern variations out there.
I'm very curious how much Geoff is in the red on the purchases he shows. I'm sure he wants the hobby to do well, and I made some bad buys during the pandemic, but nothing like buying Jordan RCs and recommending serial numbered Russell Wilson cards. The fact that he was selling picks through his app is ridiculous. I just can't relate to the guy at all. Just throwing money around like a bachelor party at a strip club.
SCR is incredible. They've really honed their craft in the last year or so. They are the hobby heels we need.
Sports Card Dad is pretty good, though he posts everyday so there is a lot of overlap (His 1/1 Signed Drew Brees is a cool card, but I dont need to hear about it everyday).
I've recently taken a huge liking to Junk Wax Hero. He's very calming and informative.
Chris Sewall (Baseball Card Collector Investor Dealer (In that order)) is my favorite though. He has great stories about his buys (it's Chasing Cardboard without the production) and I love his Regular Rollers videos. It embraces 99% of collectors.
Used to love Junk Wax Investor a lot, but he sold the channel and it's since become an A.I. run countdown. The tone is very bland, the descriptions are off, the prices are wrong, It's completely unwatchable.
This channel is the only one that showcases all of the genuine aspects of what it is like to be on the "investor" side of the hobby.
I like the way he breaks down how much he makes on a particular "buy." He appears to be one of the most honest people on the planet when it comes to buying collections.
Thank you guys for turning me onto Chris Sewall. I really enjoy his content and personality. Very easy to listen to.