drown if it rains
Too many people on here seem as if they have their noses turned SO HIGH, they would rather drown in the rain than take an off chance they might smell what a load they actually are.. No disrespect intended to people who actually gave me an informed, thought out answer, with some sort of merit. i APPRECIATE all the answers given, i dont appreciate being looked down at or called names because i dont have the financial resources they have available to them. NOT after being disabled a family and a cancer diagnosis and battle, doesnt leave me much dough with which to work with, and being able to leave my kids something NICE is OFFTHE TABLE, so to speak, and for some to make such comments, i truly hope they can find what they need to be HAPPY in life, and stop casting their short comings out on people TRYING TO LEARN, and if they dont have anything NICE or constructive, they might be just pushing away the next generation of collectors, OR seasoned collectors with valuable insight or knowledge, for that matter, with such comments. Im new to these boards and have no clue how they work, i.e posting pics or answer questions from certain folks. and i KNOW i dont know what im doing, FOR SURE, on these message boards, but i think ive been courteous and more than humble for the answers ive gotten that were NOT ugly or nasty., just to be nasty, or curt. Im not looking to be torn down, just because i dont know, but want to learn. Give yourselves a nice atta boy, for being the graammer nazi (lol) of the day, and go ahead and flag this pos, for expressing MY OPINION of some commentors with seemingly HUGE chips on their shoulders. Buffalo chips that is, and i think ill just ask my questions elsewhere, somewhere less hostile or condescending in their answers.
This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers and collectors to exchange information regarding US coins.
Posts must not contain libelous (accusatory, attacking) remarks concerning any individual, company, or other entity.
This is a community, as such, slightly off-topic threads are expected, however, topics such as politics or other "taboo" subjects are not permitted. Should the thread be deemed inflammatory, negative or violate any rules it will be deleted or closed at the moderator's discretion, without warning.
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Thank you. I’m a broke dick with cancer. You and I are not the only ones. I offered to help you integrate because you said that maybe the communication problem is the writing style that you adopt. Writing is thinking on paper; I see the problem. Stop blaming other people, We cast our own dice. You have scant humility. My offer to help you stands—Craig.
The OP's attitude is very presumptive and dismissive. Many if not most of the people here are not well off with endless resources to spend on coins.
Your thread about your supposed cent struck on a dime sort of set the tone. Despite solid and informed feedback you still chose to believe that a "real expert" might validate your wish that you had found a rarity.
Remember, time is also a resource. And you presumably have as much as that as anyone here. Use it wisely is my advice.
As for the questions on the pewter Continental Dollar, to be honest, I expected you to eventually claim that you made some miraculous discovery of one.
Knowledge is power (and money) and there is so much of it here available for free for anyone truly willing to learn.
He got a free opinion from Mr. Fred Weinberg on that thread. Maybe he'll believe Rick Snow.
I agree with you. That thread gave people their (wrong?) opinion of the OP. Unfortunately, this thread is not going to change any minds.
the greedy capitalist?
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
You reap what you sow.
OP asks a question but then does not believe the experts replies - continues to believe his own preposterous theories. People get irritated trying to help you just to get shot down.
Reap what you sow indeed.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Nice knowing you, better luck with the next forum.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
You eat what you crow.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
never take opinions personally and listen to the advice as many here know what they are saying that is the way to learn
This is a good place to learn. Hang in there.
Should not the metaphor use a turkey?
Edit: overused shift key
The category is US Coins.