Submitting This to PSA

I just purchased this raw on Ebay. Sending to PSA today. Will attach it later after receiving grade. Take a look and let me know your guesses. I see a minor flaw that might result in a downgrade. Do you see it too?
bottom right corner on back is touched/rounded?
Nope. All corners sharp but the flaw is on the back.
Take the card out of the penny sleeve , take sharp, none-fuzzy pics and ask us again.....
Card has been shipped. I thought the pic looked pretty clear in the sleeve. Asking others for what they think.
Impossible to assign a grade from those pictures...
The edge chipping on the back should negate it from getting a 10.
If there's a scratch or dent you didn't notice you could get as low as a 5, but no way to tell that from these pictures
Black print dot over the MLB logo.
@Jayman1982 : I'm pretty new to this forum and the photos were taken with a cheap camera. Should have taken the card out of the sleeve but it didn't cross my mind at the time. Just wanted general opinions...No big deal. This is my last post on the forum and no more viewing. Happy Collecting and so long.
@RonSportscards: Since the card has already been shipped I can't confirm what you might have seen about the print dot.
There are 2 small edge chips on the back left side. Given my experience with PSA it could go either way. Hoping for a 10 but will be happy with a 9. The centering should get a 10. Anything lower will be puzzling. Thanks for looking
PSA 7. GAI 6.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
GMA 10! The last 2 PSA 10 ebay sales have the same chipping on the back, but were graded before the pandemic most likely, so today they should be a 9 at best.