Hall of Fame players who ended their career after the pro bowl, All-star game
in Sports Talk
I always wondered how many great players who played their final pro game in a all star, or pro bowl game? It may have never happened in 3 of the major sports, as Football is the only sport who plays that game at the end of the season. I only know of two players. Roger Staubach - 1980 pro bowl game. And Jim Brown -1966 pro bowl game.
Anyone else?
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
The dude Pete Rose plowed into at home base in the AS game....wasn't that his last game?
Oh HOF for the league, nm but that's all I could think of.
Clyde Wright was the pitcher, Jim Hickman was the batter, Ray Fosse was the catcher and Ray played until the late 70's...
1970 All Star Game 7-14-70... I have that game almost memorized - that was the day I was born...
I Love when people either on the phone or in person ask me my date of birth...I'll tell 'em it was the same day when Pete Rose barreled into Ray Fosse... so that might be a good reason on why I'm slightly screwed-up...
And Hall of Fame players who ended their career after the pro bowl ??? I'm gonna say Barry Sanders, although I'm not 100% sure
Happy early birthday Groce!
Ray Fosse.
He played another 9 seasons after the collision and was an All-Star the following year (1971) though he was clearly nowhere near the player he'd been prior to the collision.
HOF players would be no for baseball. Thats either a career ending injury in the game or getting drafted and leaving the next day during a war which even the government wouldnt force someone that high profile at that time frame. Even with a career ending injury you wouldnt retire in MLB, once you retire you dont get paid anymore. You would let your contract run out which keeps getting you paid and the team having to cover the medical
Football makes sense given contracts arent guaranteed and rhe pro bowl being after the season.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
1999 pro bowl. I believe you are correct.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Didn't Robert Smith of the Vikings and Tiki Barber lead the league in rushing and then basically retire? I'm assuming they made the pro bowl.
Yes, sort of. Both guys had big Pro Bowl seasons but didn't lead in rushing. They then retired. Barry Sanders too.
John Hannah
Magic Johnson except he later came out of retirement. So almost!