Trout breaks hand

in Sports Talk
Hamate bone fracture. I have heard 4-8 weeks. maybe longer.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
His seasons done. There wont be any reason for him to try and rush it when theyre out of the playoff race at the end of the season.
The bigger thing now is will the Angels trade Othani who almost certainly wants to go somewhere he believes can win and has basically said so
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
very true. i never thought of that. they will no doubt fall out of contention and you are right, no reason to bring him back. another wasted season. next year he will be 33 i believe. I think MVP days for trout are over.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
His birthdays in August so he will turn 33 during the back end of next season. It is kind of funny how 33 gets labeled as old now when many top players are that age. Its the average to below average players that generally struggle there. Realistically whatever league Othani is playing in, as long as hes doing what hes doing the MVP days for everyone in his league should be over. Theres nothing more valuable than a power hitting ace
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
First the back and now the wrist...not a good recipe going forward.
@craig44 your prognostication seems to have come to fruition. Looks like it will be a truncated career for Trout.
yeah, I believe he will play a number of more seasons as I think he is due to be paid around 38MM per until 40, but I highly, highly doubt he will ever play a full season again. 240 pound CFers do not have a good track record for longevity. same with Judge, but even more so.
we have certainly seen the end of MVP-caliber Trout.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Father time is the ultimate equalizer. Interesting to see how Trout and Harper's career moving forward.
Injuries are part of the game. It's a shame that they just seem to be so random and unpredic---
