Curious Nickle

in Q & A Forum
Anyone know what's going on here, can't find any information or pictures of this online. I found a Nickle unlike any other Nickle. It's darker than all my other Nickels and relatively new, it is decently detailed but it really stands out.
To note the rim is the same color as well, no shine or luster, just a dark hue. Haven't weighed it as I am without a scale right now, but in my hands it did feel like a different weight. Any ideas are appreciated, 😁 I don't think it's just dirty as it seems clean. Maybe a plate of a different metal? 🤷
So many things can happen to coins after they leave the mint that there is no way to say for sure. It looks to me like it may have been metal detected and then pretty harshly cleaned. The remaining dirt, staining or corrosion left around the lettering is a sure sign it has been cleaned.
Probably just some sort of environmental toning.
Any change in colour would happen after it left the mint.
I'll just weight ?
For the record, that is a nickel not a nickle. Study mint state nickel luster and the loss of same is environmental damage. Good luck. Peace Roy
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Post mint discoloration.
painters guess: Someone put an oil wash on the coin to antique it.
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