Listed in 48 hours! Gee I wonder how.
The ultimate in laziness. I'm seeing this more and more often. I simply cannot believe the consignment house didn't have the time to take 3 additional pictures. How does someone even bid on this beyond the value of the 10 cards shown? How would you feel if this was your lot for sale?
Straight up laziness. I believe you can get more than 3 photos for free on each listing. They sure had the time to use a photo to promote themselves. I would be upset if I consigned this.
$55 for shipping 50 slabs?
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
Yup, 24 free photos for each listing.
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Dang I didn't even notice that!
At one time I thought this consignee was the lazy one. Turns out he's actually busting his butt for his consignors. Sure you may have no idea of the actual eye appeal of your cards, but at least you know what cards you're getting. And who really has the time to spread out all those cards to fully scan them.
I don't really see a problem. It says "mostly different " which probably means some duplicates. And it's a grab bag Lot with "stars". Who lists every player in a 50 card lot?
I try not to make purchases based on assumptions (if the lot contains duplicates or not), and while it may be time consuming to list every player in a 50-card lot, I think the seller should have taken at least 5 photos (10 cards in each photo) so that potential buyers can see what they are receiving. IMO, that is poor sales practice, and you are limiting yourself from potential buyers.
It could be the seller's strategy and deliberate, so he can slip some clunkers in there. I don't know.
Are the ones shown considered to be "stars"?
And isn't that the allure of lots like this? It's like opening a pack. You don't know exactly what you're getting.
The mystery of what cards you'll get could be limiting some potential buyers, but also attracting potential buyers that are more adventurous.
This may not be for you, but you have to think at not only what you would do, but what others might do.
I don't understand the title of this thread.
It is asking the sarcastic question “Gee, I wonder how 4SC was able to list this within 48 hours,” referencing their lack of effort in the listing. “Listed in 48 hours” is their consignment sales pitch.
@PaulMaul said:
I get sarcasm, in fact it's my go to language, but how does he know how long it took them to list it? Maybe I'm just dense; wouldn't be the first time.
I'm more impressed that 4SC got $400 for that hot mess. I understand the buyer got all those slabs for less than $10 a slab when you include tax and shipping but still.......
He doesn’t, he’s just assuming they did what they claim they do….list it within 48 hours.
Oh, OK, I didn't know that was there MO. Thanks
Hey Nick, these are the pictures they did supply.
Also, nothing to do with this thread, but this was the next picture on my phone, and for a guy who wishes teams left the helmets they way they were in 1978, I gotta admit I like this one: