1946 s wheat penny anomaly

in Q & A Forum
I've tried finding more about this penny "error". I wouldn't post unless I was pretty sure this is not pmd. There is a recess area on the reverse that looks as if there was either stamped in from the strike or was a planchet problem affecting a spot on and next to the T in cent. I've looked thru an error/variety list on error-ref.com and don't see anything on variety vista but not sure if I'm looking properly. This is a 1946 s light strike 46 on front. I don't think the s is upside down but I didn't add pics of the front, yet. Anyone see this on reverse in others? TIA
Possibly a Struck Through or perhaps a defect in the planchet.
Hard to tell from a photo.
Should have a photo of the obverse as well.
Looking on Variety Vista is not going to do you any good. This is an error and not a variety, so it will not be listed there. Your coin has a minor struck through error from something like grease or another type of debris that got stuck on the reverse die.