Need help identifying this silver possibly Greek coin

It's roughly the size of a U.S. dime. Any idea on age, and is there any premium to it? U.S. coin guy here so I don't know about these. Weighs 4 grams.
It's roughly the size of a U.S. dime. Any idea on age, and is there any premium to it? U.S. coin guy here so I don't know about these. Weighs 4 grams.
Looks like a post-Alexander III drachm, likely issued by one of his successors, or possibly a life-time issue - so likely around 325 to 275 BC, or perhaps a bit later. Cannot tell more due to the amount of wear on the coin, but some one more familiar may be able to give further information.
Thank you!
The fact that the legs are crossed makes it quite a lot more likely that it’s posthumous.
I was trying to read the king's name; it doesn't really look like "Alexandrou" to me, but I'm not sure what the fragments of surviving letters do look like.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
It's pretty worn, but maybe this will help?
It's either going to say ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ (Alexander) or ΦIΛIΠΠOY (Phillip). But either can be after Alexander's death.
Thank you! Wish it wasn't so worn. What would a rough value be for it?
TY! Figured it'd be in that range due to wear. I appreciate your time and input!