Assistance needed - British Historic Medals

Assistance needed please,
I will appreciate anyone who will send me a photo image and information from the below book - for medal number 933 in the book (also known as Mudie number 1).
British Historical Medals, 1760-1960: The Accession of George III to the Death of William IV v. 1
Brown, Laurence
Also if anyone has a copy of the the above book that was published in 1968, I would love an image and information from medal number 776. I have the information from the Spink reprinted copy, 1980 issue, of the book. The 1968 version was published by Seaby and later taken over by Spink.
Thank you
From the 1980 Seaby version

Conder tokens
19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
Thank you very much.
All I need now is:
Seaby 1968 edition of British Historical Medals, 1760-1960: The Accession of George III to the Death of William IV v. 1
Brown, Laurence
if anyone has a copy of the the above book that was published in 1968, I would love an image and information from medal number 776. I have the information from the Spink reprinted copy, 1980 issue, of the book. The 1968 version was published by Seaby and later taken over by Spink.
Thank you