Counterfeit Web Note?

I don't think so. It looks like a genuine note mistaken as a counterfeit due to lack of sharpness and overall quality. That's why the Web note experiment was discontinued. What do you think?
Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
I believe it’s genuine. I have yet to see a counterfeit WEB note.
Per my Schwartz/Lindquist, Boston did print that serial number in the 1988-A series, and the front and back face plates are also ok. Nothing seems like a counterfeit to me. Except that, of course, the web notes looked kind of like counterfeits to begin with, so I can understand somebody deciding that the note was bogus, but it looks good to me.
It looks like a case of mistaken identity. Someone wasn't familiar with web notes or how they look. The note appears genuine.
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I kept one that I found in circulation many years before I realized that they looked like crap normally.
Hi: May I ask who said it was a counterfeit?
Absolutely looks genuine to me.
This thread is almost a year old and the ebay link is long gone.
Presumably the seller thought it was a counterfeit.
Looks real to me.
Yes, the seller thought it was a counterfeit as he listed it as such but the punch holes indicate a more "professional" cancellation, perhaps a business that handled a lot of cash. Maybe a counting machine rejected it and the business punch cancelled it. It probably wasn't done in the banking system or it would have ended up being destroyed. It's real but mistakenly cancelled.
Looks more like the work of a bored overnight cashier than someone branding it a counterfeit.