Back up plan

in Sports Talk
there has been some discussion of late that the message boards may possibly be put to rest. I was wondering if anyone had thought about a backup plan message board we could all migrate to in the event the boards go away? does anyone care to?
just throwing it out there. I enjoy checking in here about every day. I would hate to see it go
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I would really hate to see it go. With the cost of everything now it would not surprise me .
Honesty the more we talk about it the greater chance we are probably planting a seed into some high ranking person at CU, hopefully that's not the case lol
In an event that this place gets shut down it will be a tall order to start another website where we can migrate too, it costs money and would be tough to get going with the amount of people that are here as it is.
Hopefully they just keep things as it is
There's always this place, the open forum refuge, where people went and overlapped here when there was no more open forum. That was before my time here. Still...🤣
Deleted original post....
Because, Perky is right....
Let It Go.....
Voice of wisdom....
I'm kind of lost for words if/when the forum is/or will be shut down...
Long ago I went into my settings and changed it so I don't appear as being here. Sorry , my friend, that I made you feel alone. I was often right there with you.
I figured as much Showboat..... You weren't alone....Anyway,....

No, don't leave now. The fun's just getting started. 🚽🧻🧻🧻🧻🪠
ETA...what do you mean when you say "you weren't alone"? That you were here with me, but now you are leaving? That I wasn't alone in changing my settings? 🤷
I wasnt so much thinking about one of us starting a whole new message board, more, we could all migrate over to an already functioning sports talk forum.
Maybe we should all share emails so in that event we could be in touch and find a new home.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Ahh I gotcha
PM inbound