Whitlock went a long way to prove he belongs in the starting rotation!

Seven innings and only one run on a day when the bullpen was out of gas!
That was a monstrous performance that was sorely needed.!
Seven innings and only one run on a day when the bullpen was out of gas!
That was a monstrous performance that was sorely needed.!
Perhaps one of the few bright spots in the rotation. He did indeed pitch well, and picked up the win. Ohtani will thrill the crowd today, it would be great to get the sweep!!
Can't wait to see the "reunion" of former Red Sox teammates come back to the Fens.
Today is a very special day in Boston. The 10th year anniversary of the insanity heaped on innocent people by the Tsarnaev brothers on Boylston St as the marathon was ending. Death and lost limbs followed the explosions of their pressure cooker madness. I can comfortably say, that I'm glad one is dead and the other will never see freedom again.