Red Sox and Sale after 12 games

Sale has become an emarrassment on the mound. Clearly Cora takes him out after the inning is over so that Sale doesn't have to endure the walk of shame from the fans...trying to obviously avoid an eruption. Sale's performance is bush league at best, after a paltry 4 inning performance, he gives up 7 hits, 5 ERs, and now owns an 11.25 ERA. As I've said many times, over-hyped, over-paid and under-performing.
I think the brain trust of the Red Sox at this point, albeit only 12 games, are thinking we're in for a very long haul. The Red Sox team is now in last place in the AL East, and it looks like they're gonna be there for a while, if not the season. There are several Boston writer's who echo my thoughts, about the situation with the team. Devers can't do it all, and putting Dalbec at SS is a farce.
While I do have the MLB package, at least it allows me to watch other games and, I might add, not having to endure the unending comments by Youkilis, at some point, he will hopefully dump "right there" and, IMO he is waaay too analytical in his comments about pitching. I'd rather listen to the sounds of the game and him tune out a little more.
when they first acquired Sale, I was excited. I love watching a dominating SP. I thought we maybe were getting a mini big unit. Well, that ship has Saled (pun intended)
I think the only thing we have yet to figure out is if it is Sales contract or Pandas or Carl Crawfords that was the worst in Red Sox history.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Sale is one of the many guys in sports that gives a great example as to why guaranteed money is stupid
As long as there are owners with more money that they do not know what to do with are willing to pay these exorbitant salaries for future hope of winning a World Series there will be people like Sale there to take it.
What about David Price?
I have found that the best way to watch the sox is to tape the game and watch it later after finding out the score.
It's less disappointing that way and I have plenty of other games to watch in the meantime.
When ads come on you just skip to other games
I miss all those advertisements as I already know what I want to buy and don't need reminders.
Sadly, the list is LONG. Castillo, Ramirez, Price, Sandoval, Crawford could be the worst, Clement, Jenks, Dawson, Lackey, Snow, Lugo, Offerman, Renteria, Young, Clark, DiceK, Avery, Drew, Gonzalez...
Gross BUT every team outbthete has missed on big signings although it looks like the Sox have more than most
Its true. Castillo may be the worst. he only actually played in a handful of MLB games. I think I remember he got 70MM
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
And they all laughed their way to their banks.
When I thought about playing ball back in the 50's I thought it was kids game and decided to go in the Marines instead.
While Sale had a big workload in Chicago and has always needed to add some weight, he did was he was brought to Boston to do. He was the ace of the WS winning team. The Red Sox rotation is a dumpster fire. Everyone knew that going in and their their playoff chances were basically if the rest of the AL was even worse or some miracle happened. Outside of Devers their line is just bad and with that pitching staff you need an elite lineup to try and make up for it.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Do you really want to die on that hill? He did what he was brought to Boston to do? 😂
He was the ace of a world series winning team. Theres nothing more you can ask. Their second best starter was David Price with a fairly average year. Big drop off after that
They really didnt even give up that much for him at this point. Kopech fantastic arm but injury issues and Moncada is nothing special with injury issues as well.
He was traded for on a win now team before the stars started leaving and they won a championship his second year and he was their best starter. He was by far their best starter the first year as well in 2017. Say what you want about the extension and the injuries and TJ surgery, but the trade worked for Boston
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
The trade worked but the extension sure did not!
Say what you want about the extension and the injuries and TJ surgery, but the trade worked for Boston .
Chris Sale is yesterday's news and his performance in the last few years backs that up. Eleven starts from 2019 - 2022, yet getting paid $30m per year does not seem like the "trade worked for Boston". No, he didn't pitch in 2020. Yes, he's had surgery and fell off a bike, but the stats speak for themselves. He has repeated over and over and over that he's not earning his paycheck...well, why didn't he opt out when he could? Obviously the $27.5 million this year and next are a very powerful magnet, regardless of what story of sadness and disappointment he attempts to sell to the media, and Red Sox Nation.
His record is beyond dismal, with 14 starts in 3 years and a paltry 6 wins to show for it, yet his bank acccount has close to $100 million for that effort. Certainly not what I'd call a stellar ROI !!
Worked for Boston? Not even remotely close. Sale becomes yet another name on the perennial list of Red Sox signing failures, and the list is very, very long. Sale will mope along, doing his best to stay cool, pitching his best and failing start after start. Inside he's laughing all the way to the bank. Yes, he was key in 2017 and 2018, but that ship has sunk.
Sale’s Sox contract #1 good. Sale contract extension bad.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
Boston fans have been spoiled with success the last 20 years. It pretty much became what team is the parade for this year.
If this trade happened in 2002 or 2003 before the WS win in 04 people would love it. Theyd have said trade the entire farm system if it gets us a WS. He was a significant part of the 2018 WS season being their ace and a legit ace. Getting 4 WS championships from 2004-2018 is skewing the reality of the trade. People got to used to them winning. A couple bad years doesnt change the fact the trade worked.
His salary is going down now and with the deferred money they arent actually paying that much anyways. Red Sox also have one of the richest ownership groups in sports who also own Liverpool which is worth multi-billion dollars in the Premier League and the Penguins.
The contract is basically meaningless in terms of the fiances of the Red Sox owners. You could make the argument that winning that forth title gave them leeway to give up and push money elsewhere in other investments like the Cubs did after winning, but the Sale trade did what is was intended to do and got a WS ring
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
You've got to be kidding. The trade was essentially two years of a pitcher who was 2nd and 4th in Cy Young voting (and a World Series) for a career minor leaguer, a guy who might as well have been one (14 MLB AB), a pitcher who is 10-15 with a 110 ERA+, and a 3B with a 108 OPS+ over five full seasons. I mean Moncada is a decent player, but come on.
Now the option exercise in 2019 was OK, and the 2020 extension has turned out terribly, but none of that makes the trade bad.
Having watched Carl Crawford here in Tampa, I think the pressure of the high paying contract and the Boston media got to him. I think that he pressed too hard. When I moved from northern New Jersey to the Boston are in 1980, I could not believe how much tougher the radio talk show hosts were on the local athletes than they were in New York.
Perhaps the Boston fan’s expectations were too high. Crawford was a fleet footed little player who could hit about .280 with a little power. He was not the guy who was going to be the next Willie Mays who lead a team to a championship.
Sale is a good example why it is so impressive when other pitchers can still be very good through their late 30's and age 40.
Sale has always seemed to be a bit of a tool too, so that doesn't help.
Moncada and Kopech are both made of glass themselves...and Moncada has been a huge disappointment. Kopech has not lived up to his hype either.
Money seems to be the catalyst for both teams here. White Sox lost with both players in this deal. Red Sox got a World Series out of the deal but lost tons of money which they can afford to do. Red Sox came out on top I guess .
Good discussion!
Crawford kept getting hurt. His biggest asset was always his speed. He never had and never would hit for a whole lot of power. He has some power but he also turned a bunch of singles into doubles and doubles into triples that made it look like he had more power than he had.
Maybe he didnt like the media maybe not, but he always a speed guy where as soon as his speed faded he would lose a lot of value real fast. They overvalued him and over-hyped him and then doubled down on it making a really bad trade with the Dodgers giving up Adrian Gonzalez too for basically nothing in return other than saving some money.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Kind of hard to argue with a trade that cleared some dead wood toward winning the World Series the next year. Your mileage obviously varies.
Here we go again as it's another Sale day.
Which Sale shows up today?
Sonny Gray, 2-0; 0.55 ERA; 19 SOs
Chris Sale, 1-1; 11.25 ERA; 19 SOs
Twins in 1st place in their Division with a 10-6 record
Red Sox in last place in their Division with an 8-9 record.
Seems to me that the Red Sox aren't sealing the deal and getting the hits needed to beat their opponents. Or, Red Sox pitching is lacking. I think if Sale tanks tonight, it may affect him mentally and things could go downhill quickly from there. All you can do is hope for the best, but I'm not feeling it for Sale, and when the boo birds get cranking, as they can in Fenway, it might really light the fuse.
Agone was hardly dead wood. They just threw him in trying to get them to take the other contracts. They could have navigated that trade better, but the WS does make everyone forget about it. The WS should make everyone get off Sales back too though
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Sale had a great night with 11 strikeouts and Verdugo had the winning hit in the 10 inning and had 2 F bombs when being interviewed.
An exciting game last night. Sale was impressive and maybe he's out of the fog.
Vazsquez sure was in the fog last night. He was overcome with emotion I guess coming back to Fenway for the first time got to him as he has so many friends there.
Red Sox are coming together as a team.
Looking good again tonight.
They have a closer now that knows how to close a game out!
abouve .500!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The Red Sox continue to unimpress me. Devers can't do it all, and too many batters are either taking strike #3, or failing to get key hits. Its a false premise to think that 2 in a row make them a winner. They are now 7.5 games back, and locked into last place with the one run loss last night, they are now even at .500. Make no mistake, I'm a Red Sox fan, but you can't just look at short moments of wins, vs overall performance. The team needs to coalesce and tighten their game, after all, they're being paid very, very well to perform, and the bats aren't where they need to be. One run losses add up in September.
The team needs a Dick Williams manager, not the cream puff, who now looks so much older with that scrubby grey mess he's growing.
I said a few weeks ago that I thought the Orioles were the sleepers and this could be their year. After Milwaukee, guess where the Red Sox are going?
I'm off to St George Island, FL for a week of R&R. Hopefully the Sox come alive.
Enjoy your trip my friend.
Hopefully the Red Sox will do well while you are gone.
They almost came back last night as they were way down till the late innings.
How can any Sox fan not get excited about them when they beat the brew crew 2 out of 3 in Milwaukee. They are coming together as a team.
Sale sucked again last night so he threw another tantrum like a 2 year old.
Man, Chris Sale is bad. I dont have NESN anymore, so I dont see the games. They dont really ever say the radar readings on the radio broadcast. Is Sales velocity down? He used to be up in the higher 90s before the surgery.
Casas is also stinking up the joint.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Sale can't get his pitch to move like he used to and his velocity is down a tick.
He is just not the same pitcher but his temper is the same.
Casas is sure not what he was hyped up to be.
Yoshida is coming on strong now that he has seen MLB pitching
IF Kluber and Paxton cant get it together then the Sox have some big problems ahead of them.
It seems Yoshida may end up being ok. I knew there would be a pretty steep learning curve for him, trying to adjust to MLB life/pitching while at the same time moving to a whole new culture for him. I hope he figures it out.
I figured Sales velocity must be down. he didnt K anyone last night
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I have returned from Florida. My trip was cut short a day because of 100% forecast of thunderstorms. This past Thursday night we had severe weather, and a tornado had touched down about 50 miles from us. Well, we actually drove through the devastation on the way home via FL hwy 65. A very small community, maybe 15 houses. Its one thing to see it on tv, I can assure you it is jaw dropping to see it in person, if only for a few minutes to see roofs gone and massive oak trees on top of houses. We saw people just looking at what must have been their homes, just in a daze, wondering what to do next. Lots of guys with chain saws and a few bucket loaders moving stuff around. No deaths, but we stopped to talk with a guy in a truck with a tractor on back, he said one lady had to be "dug out" of her home. It takes a nano-second to make you realize how lucky you are to have what you have and not experience what they're going through and will be for months to come.
So, the beach was great, nothing like having a beach front home to chill on and enjoy. We might have seen a total of 15-20 people walking the beach for the week, and we could easily see east and west for at least a quarter mile.
The view looking East, middle, then West, then of the house. Pink, but it grows on you. Seriously, nobody on the beach.
No real comment on the Sox, I've seen the scores and Sales tantrum beating on the gatorade cooler. The dude is a time bomb.
Those cottages look like a fun place to be except in a storm. I don't blame you for leaving a day early!
Sale did pretty well today. no consistency.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Correct on the no consistency. He appears to be in a win one, lose one cycle. Looked nasty in Boston today, temp at 49 and a pretty good breeze. I have no clue why they would play without sleeves, had to be scraping mid to lower 40s.
I wish they'd get a different announcer than Youkilis. Too much deep diving into pitch after pitch, and his perennial habit of "right there". Just a little too much of over analysis for me.
How we miss you Eck!!!! Orsillo and Remy were the best. I'm from the era of Curt Gowdy and Narragansett beer.
There is a lot of baseball left to play... seems a tad premature to be whining
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Sale wants to win to prove he can still do it .
I hope he can as the sox are not that far out of the race .
I hope Eck is getting his own problems squared away as he was needed at home.
I can live with Youk but Middlebrooks is a better play by play announcer in my opinion.
Yoshida seems to be figuring out hitting in MLB sooner than i thought. 12 game hitting streak
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Looks like they may have turned the corner. Gotta admit, all playing well and coming through in the clutch. Now, if Sale could calm down and pitch better than he has, and find some consistency. The bullpen remains sketchy, but 4 wins is good. Certainly enjoying seeing the New Yawkas in last place!!

I'm not sure I'm a fan of the plastic dumbells, kinda lame to me. I liked the laundry basket ride better.
I'm with you on all counts my friend.
The Rays will start losing a few more games as the easiest part of their schedule will become tougher for them.
I. do not have to record the Sox games now as I did last year to see the score before I decided if I wanted to watch the whole game or not.
Are you able to watch the games in 4k?? Again tonight the Sox are being broadcast in 4k. Directv seems to broadcast a LOT of Sox games in the 4k format, which is fine with me, its 4 x HD content. Not sure what channels you get in ABQ, but in Atlanta, the "free" 4k channels are 104-107. They do repeat and repeat the same programming on 104. Most of the Sox games fall between 105-107. I do have as you know the MLB extra innings package, broadcasting on channels 700++++, when I select the Sox games on say channel 712, it pops up a little menu asking me if I'd like to watch in 4k...I click 4k and the clarity difference is certainly must crisper.
BTW, assuming you are watching 4k, you can adjust your picture format to about one of four or five choices. You just click the menu icon and go to the picture icon at the top, then hop between formats to see which one is best for you. I think I've landed on the one that says movie format, could be wrong, but there is one that really brightens the pic too much. Click through or have your son do it so you can enjoy the most enjoyable picture format for you.
I watch it on channel 628 which is NESN. I have not even used the MLB channels because I don't watch any other teams but the Red Sox. My tv is a 75 inch LG and the picture is great so do not really care about the 4K as I don't want to fool around and screw up the picture I have and am happy with. Electronics are not my bag at all and every time I start messing with something electronic I end up with problems. Every time I ask my son something about the tv he has an excuse why he can't look at it so I don't ask him anymore.
Mr. Yoshida is on a tear! 3-4 with a home run and 3 rbi tonight. he is outhitting devers at this point.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Can you imagine the sox signing Ohtani next winter what that would do to the American League. Its a possibility!
Tomorrow is another Sale day!