PCGS TrueView links are invalid/expired/removed

I have had over 30 coins graded and holdered into PCGS Gold Shield recently, but the TrueView images appear to be moved/deleted or corrupted.
Here is a sample of five. Unable to access the TrueView image on any of them.
All of these seem to be broken. How do I obtain the TrueView images?
For example, navigating to https://images.pcgs.com/trueview/46212122
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I had waited patiently to see if it might be fixed, but its been around 6 months now and still broken.
Can anyone help or provide insight into how to obtain them?
You can type in the cert numbers on the PCGS Cert Verification page-
I typed in the last one (46212125) and came up with this TV-
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
A different web service now hosts TrueViews. There used to be about 5 TrueView and 1 CoinFacts link for every coin.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
do they show up on your account page for recent submissions?
I noticed that the old links don’t work anymore also. I used to download all the available true views of any PCGS slabbed coin I purchased, the different sized ones, just the reverse much bigger, obverse etc. but now can just get the one from the cert lookup page. I can live with that, but it would be nicer to be able to access all the variations like I used to. For coins I submitted myself I can get all the different images on my account page, but not for ones I purchase already slabbed.
I was under the impression that TrueView was standard for Gold Shield submissions. I don't submit myself, but go through a coin dealer for submissions. I was informed that I hadn't been paying the extra $5 USD for TrueView that they charge. I feel rather silly, and thank everyone here for their help and replies.
I can go to the PCGS cert page and get TrueViews of all five coins. Just copy them and add to your files. I cannot imagine that everyone else gets to see and download TrueViews except you. Here's one of your Trueviews.
Do you have an example link of one of yours that doesn’t work. I’m able to still get all of mine.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Yes, they seem to be working now. It must have been a temporary glitch. That good, because when I buy a coin that has a TrueView, I like to download all the different formats and not just the one that shows up when you do a cert lookup.
I did catch a syntax error with links from Phil and the photo department awhile back. That lead to nothing but those 404 - File or directory not found errors.
There was a double forward slash ( // ) instead of a single one (/) between com and trueview.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts