"Still waiting on that time machine"

I'm going through a bunch of old baseball magazines and came across this ad from a Spring 1976 issue of BASEBALL. Couldn't find an expiration date on this deal, but something tells me they won't still honor it.
I’ll order…
1,000 assortment 1976 Topps Baseball
1973 25 different
1974 30 different
Unopened box of 1972 Football 500 cards
Complete set of 1975-76 Topps Hockey
Topps 1964 Super Baseball 53 different
I just rented a U-Haul truck I’ll be over in about 10 - 15 minutes...
No mention of condition of the cards you are buying.
It says right there Kingman is a superstar …long time board debate … case closed.
Put me down for a few of these. While we are in the time machine, I will go ahead an pick up a couple Brady Champ Tickets as well
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I took advantage of that deal from 1975 through I think 1978 but through Renata Galasso. It was 2 Topps vending boxes each year: $10 / free shipping. I built sets for each year that way.
Unopened box of 1972 Football 500 cards $7.00
I am buying them out on this item.
Baseball cards are for kids. What a waste of money.