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It's stormin like crazy here....

Hail and everything, freaky as hell.


  • where are you at??, im in NYC, and its hott as hell here, lol, the high today was like almost 90, lol


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    R*C, does it again!
  • I'm in Montreal. It was nice today, sunny and everything, and then just started pouring.
  • we had a great day here in Oklahoma today
    lately it has been around 96 degree's
    and today, ahh... about 88 degree's and cloudy with a breeze and a tiny shower of rain
    I collect any D.Masons I dont have

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  • <---------knows the feeling, i hate the North Weather sometimes its crazy, lol, gotta love it too, keeps u on your toes!


    MY SITE-
    R*C's site


    ALL REF's ARE ON MY SITE (41 CU Ref's)

    Trader Retreat MEMBER!!

    R*C, does it again!
  • i'm in texas and it has been around 87 for around 2 weeks
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    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Big boy had no stamina, lasted at the most 15 min, now not even a sight of lightening image.
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    There's nothong like the south, especially good ol' southern cookin'! image

    By the way, I'm in the deep south and it's a steady 97 or 98 degrees EACH day...imageimage
  • I know Derrick, it gets crazy down there, I actually prefer the south over 6 straight months of 2 feet of snow though.
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    What's snow? image

    By the way, Southern Rock N' Roll is ass kickin' as well! image

    Gotta love Lynyrd Skynyrd...image
  • it got 94 today here in ohio it stays in the high 90's till fall then its about -10 with snow
  • playr050...please send the rain and storms here! (Michigan) The golf courses need the rain!!! image

    Refs: Boopopo2, Samsgirl214, Remster, Chillinbij, SkiVermont3, dallas822, RepresentCards, Koolman2005
    Ebayer in Perfect Standing (kfcjock)
  • Florida here......it's been 105 with the heat index this week. That DA*N humidity can really get to you after awhile. I lived in Phoenix for 10 years and the 110 degree heat felt fine compared to this. It's a dry heat you know. Much nicer. You just stay inside from 10am to 5pm, or you turn into a potato chip.
  • Florida here......it's been 105 with the heat index this week. That DA*N humidity can really get to you after awhile. I lived in Phoenix for 10 years and the 110 degree heat felt fine compared to this. It's a dry heat you know. Much nicer. You just stay inside from 10am to 5pm, or you turn into a potato chip.
  • here in michigan the only thing for weather here is BUGS every kind earwigs mosquitos spiders horsefly ECT.
  • duncangalduncangal Posts: 3,140
    Wish I could share some of our rain with y'all. Been raining for almost 2 weeks straight here, had about 17 inches so far image. Enough!!!!!!! I'm depressed enough image
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • D-gal, we've been getting a ton of rain here too. Not quite 17 inches, but it rains about 1-2 hours each evening. That's part of the high humidity.

    Just finished raining infact......Nice thunderstorm.
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