1930 China Completion of the Central Mint Medal

The China "Junk" dollar is the silver crown sized coin of the Republic of China so it's always great to see variations on the design.
This medal was struck in 1930, shortly after various mints were commissioned to submit designs for the Sun Yat-Sen "junk" dollars.
Stack's Bowers said:
Rarely Encountered Mint Completion Medal in CopperCHINA. Sun Yat-sen/Completion of the Shanghai Mint Bronze Medal, Year 19 (1930). NGC MS-62 Brown.
Diameter: 39mm. Obverse: Bust left; Reverse: Junk sailing right upon the seas; rising sun upon horizon. A VERY RARE and enticing medal that is hardly encountered, especially as alluring as is the case here, this medallic commemorative celebrates the completion of the Central Mint at Shanghai and foreshadows the "junk boat" series of dollars that would ensue from Years 21-23 (1932-34) of the Republic. Meanwhile, it comes shortly after the various patterns for the Sun Yat-sen/junk types that were commissioned to various world mints the year prior in 1929. As such, this nearly-choice red-brown specimen will undoubtedly grab the attention of the vast array of collectors for this series.
直徑39 毫米。半身像向左,反面:帆船於海上向右航行,旭日於水平線上初升。罕見且誘人的獎章,鮮少面市,特別是如斯優美品相,更為難得。這枚紀念章紀念上海中央造幣廠的落成,並預示了民國二十一至二十三年(1932-34 年)發行的船洋。同時,當時孫中山船洋於民國十八年委託了多國的鑄幣廠鑄打樣幣,此枚緊隨其後於一年後打鑄而成,彌足珍貴。整體近完美狀態,紅棕幣面亮麗,無疑會引起鐘情此系列藏家的熱切關注。
You can read more about "junk" if have interest: https://coins.su/forum/topic/110266-redkie-monety-kitaya-istoriya-dollara-s-dzhonkoi/ .
Use translate from russian. Numus was good specialist in chinese coins, dead some years ago.
These two coins also has silver coin. So far these two coins are most expensive china copper coin. I wonder how high they will go if offer in today’s market. Maybe 500k?
This is the most expensive Chinese copper so far I think.