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Gerry Fortin Business Model Changes!!!

winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2, 2023 4:54AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Each night as part of my bedtime routine, I check out a few numismatic websites, along with this PCGS U.S. Coin Forum. One of the sites I usually look at is the daily blog that Gerry Fortin writes each morning. The following caught my eye, as he’s announcing several significant business model changes. Here’s a copy of what he posted:

Speaking of GFRC innovation and business model, I believe the time has come to announce the following business model changes.

GFRC Announces Payroll Protection Program and Other Innovations

Beginning today, GFRC will accept enrollments in its new Payroll Protection Program. Many GFRC clients have frequently complained that their income goes to expenses other than coins, and GFRC is launching an innovative solution to resolve this pesky problem once and for all. Effective immediately, GFRC customers can sign up to have their entire paychecks automatically deposited with GFRC in exchange for GFRC Trading Desk credits.

For clients who still require food and housing, GFRC has solutions ready. Concurrently with this program, GFRC is issuing a series of “F-BUCKS” scrip that will be redeemable for meals at the major coin convention concession stands. In addition, GFRC will be providing sleeping quarters in the newly constructed GFRC storage shed, conveniently located at the edge of the Fortin Forest Preserve, where clients can easily access running water and a stocked pond. GFRC, for a minimal charge, will rent coin-themed sanitation buckets.

GFRC Tipping Policy Enacted

In other news, the GFRC checkout process will now include a gratuity option. “As most retail establishments now offer options to tip service personnel, GFRC realizes the need to stay competitive,” noted GFRC principal Gerry Fortin. “Customers making purchases from GFRC will now have the ability to tip any of our table assistants.” Fortin further noted this was unrelated to a recent change in the Maine state law that abolished the minimum wage for tipped employees.

GFRC Now Accepts Multiple Forms of Payment

In addition to checks and cash, GFRC will now accept certain U.S. coins at a discount against face value in exchange for credit against GFRC purchases. “Coin processing costs are high,” noted GFRC head Gerry Fortin. “We have to count them all and put them rolls in exchange for credit at our bank. Sometimes they won’t accept them because the tellers believe they might be counterfeit. However, if you have a large quantity of 19th century U.S. coins, let’s talk. We can credit you up to 90% of their face value, depending on shipping costs.”

GFRC Creates Certified Copy Program

Finally, in order to combat the growing threat of counterfeits, GFRC announces the “GAC” sticker, which will be applied to only the best-made pieces. “Recent Chinese counterfeits are a plague to the market,” Fortin commented. “I built a world-class collection of Chinese counterfeits when I lived in China, and the current product is diluting what took years to painstakingly search out and assemble.” Submissions may be made directly to GFRC, which will concurrently launch a GAC census and registry set program. Fortin notes “The GAC program will serve to elevate the best counterfeits so that the market recognizes the true value of these rare and important coins.”

If you’ve read this far, you realize his post was from Saturday morning, April 1st!!!!


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  • TomBTomB Posts: 21,133 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bravo, Gerry!

    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

  • TimNHTimNH Posts: 147 ✭✭✭

    will now have the ability to tip any of our table assistants

    :D sadly not far from the truth

  • thebeavthebeav Posts: 3,782 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's really funny........

  • PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 46,026 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A coin dealer with a sense of humor should put a tip jar on his table when he sets up at his next coin show. He chould include a few coins such as a couple of Kennedy half dollars and an Ike dollar and a couple of dollar bills. That would sure be a conversation starter. :D

    Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
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