Canadian "H" mintmark identification, please?
Hello, and thanks so much for your help. I have a Canadian 1903 5-cent piece of 1903. It's a decent coin but I just can't decide if it is the Large H or Small H variety. I did find a post on this subject on the Board but I just still wasn't able to determine which "H" appears on my coin.
Photography is not my forte (!!!!!) but if it's possible to enlarge the photo somehow, that seems to make the mintmark clearer and
hopefully identifiable.
Many thanks!!! Piano1
Photos aren't big enough. Check here:
If you would crop your photos, that will enlarge them. As it is, they are too small to tell anything.
If you refer to the site that syl supplied, there are photos that can help you determine yours.
Count the denticles under the H, 2 1/2 for a Small H, 3 1/2 for a Large H
Hi, Greenstang.
Thanks for your help. Looks like I may become a "denticle counter" before the day is over. Your help is much appreciated!!!
Sorry made a typo and don’t know how to correct.The Large H should read 3 denticles, not 3 1/2
Thanks for the clarification, Greenstang! I am looking forward to getting this H thing figured out this evening!!!
Well, with thanks to all who helped out with this inquiry, someone from another service connected me to "Coins and Canada" and included r3 eally good photos. The problem is, I can't find from where that post came. No matter, because of the 3 1903 H 5 cent pieces I viewed at length, none of the H's match mine. This coin goes back in the "I'll do it some other time" bin. The 2 1/2-3 denticles was a close match but the actual letter did not match the photo. Maybe I'm looking too hard but even with the photos and my super-handy-dandy digital $13 microscope, there still was no match. An insignificant "bummer" but I'll try again...sometime. 😯
Thanks, everyone.
Is this what you are looking for, scroll down.
Thanks very much Greenstang! This is a great site and I do have a bit of Canadian stuff that needs further research.
Much appreciated.