1844 RPD Hesse-Darmstadt 6 Kreuzer

Hello Everyone,
Here’s a cool find with the first primary 4 in the date punched way too low.
If this was a US piece, there’s a pretty good chance it would be a red book variety of how strong the repunching is and how low the mintage was of just 331,000.
Happy Hunting!
Not that well versed on European coins but that is a nice RPM no matter where it is from.
You don’t normally see the first punch that far off.
That's a cool RPD for sure. You're right- if that were a US coin, that would be a Red Book variety, and with that low a mintage, it would be big bucks.
We see RPDs all of the time. They're almost never that dramatic. Very cool.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me