What exactly does this mean? Answered

******The composite definition was changed.**
It would be very helpfull if we knew what changed.
******The composite definition was changed.**
It would be very helpfull if we knew what changed.
It usually means some coin was added to the set or someone got a coin with a new higher grade, so rating points or set order changed. Two places to look. At the top of each set there is a set composition button that will show all the coins and weightings for the set. You will see any new changes in blue. Then there is the set rating button next to each set that shows all the details that changed for each set. Sometimes you can see in blue another set was added or changed there and if you click it, you can see any new items that they added. I hope this helps.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for
My Indians
Danco Set