need help with a baseball autographs

got this ball from a house clean out. there is 16 auto's on it, i know 9 of them, these are the one's i dont know. the one's i know are from the cleveland indians from around 1995-96. i have been looking and looking for 5 months and cant find anything, i hope someone will know who they are. thank you!
Maybe you know this one already but it appears Orel Hershiser...?
Pitcher Jeff Juden
Julio Franco in the middle of the 2nd to last picture
The one I thought was Jeff Juden may actually be Kevin Seitzer who seems to have put different Bible chapter/verse from the book of John
I believe your answers lie in the roster from 1997
Middle of bottom pic is Tony Hernandez
Top of bottom pic is Charles Nagy
Bottom of 2nd pic is Enrique Wilson
ok so first pic is Mark Clark/Carlos baerga/Orel Hershiser/? and pic two is Kevin seiter and Ellis Burks. a word or name in between Kevin and Ellis? pic three Herbert Perry i think Sandy Alomar Jr/ ? and last pic Charles Nagy/ Tony Hernandez, i didnt see a hernandez, i seen a fernandez/ ?. thank you for the help. the reason i said 1995-96 is because jim poole's auto is on there and he didnt plat for them in 1997.
You bet. I was bound and determined to try and match as many as I could.
worth sending to get graded?
what could i sale it for?
should i send it to psa to get authenticated? so i could sale it to someone. i just dont know if it worth paying to send to them and dont know what i could sale it for, any help please.
I am not sure. I have a baseball signed by a few people, many I haven't tried to figure out yet, but includes Earnie Banks and I'm wondering the same thing as you. I'm not sure what to do. Ebay is usually the quickest but you may be able to get $20-$50 more by finding the right buyer...but how?
No idea about grading it. I imagine the cost may be more than the additional profit if you have some proof of the signing.
thank you jolleywrencher. i have a few baseball cards with auto's on them, Charles Nagy on one and Sandy Alomar jr on the other. plus a auto on a baseball thats Bob Feller, but it's faded, but you can tell it's his name and i have a auto baseball with Andre Thornton on it and 2 Cleveland Cavaliers cards with auto's on them and a mini Cleveland Browns helmet signed by Quincy Morgan. i hate to pay to send to psa and pay to get them all authenticated and no one buy's them or i get less then what i paid psa.
An idea is just sell them as they are to a sports collector. If you can find one in your area (be it a shop or at a flea market) that would probably be the quickest and easiest way to unload these.
However if you want top dollar then eBay is your best bet but they would need to be certified to get real money - problem is certification usually costs too much to make selling worthwhile. The types of autographs you mention are not high end so I think you should probably sell them as they are since certifying these will likely cost more than what they are worth.
ok thank you jms1223. i did call a shop that buys that kind of stuff and told me they wouldnt buy it unless it was authenticated. i'll just have to try facebook marketplace and see how it go's.