Question On PCGS Onsite Show Grading

in Q & A Forum
I am thinking about bringing coins to the ANA Show in August for onsite grading, I have never done this before. My question is if you select Show (1/2 the price of Show Express) and you give them you coins on Tuesday when the show opens are you really waiting around until Saturday to pick them up at "end of show"?
If so, I assume I can pay them to ship the coins to me if I don't want to stay around for a couple of extra days?
While there’s no guarantee of the following, if you give them your coins early on Tuesday, there’s a decent chance you’ll have them by Thursday or Friday. But as you say, you CAN pay the shipping charge to have them shipped to you instead.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Thank you for your reply.
As a cautionary note, for any of the "Show" service levels there is no guarantee your coins will be ready for collection during the show. Timeframes indicated on submission forms are estimates.
At last year’s ANA Rosemont, I submitted several world coins (German Empire) under the Show service level for on-site grading. At the time of submission, I was told my order would be available for collection on Saturday (i.e., end of show). When I returned on Saturday, however, I was informed the on-site grading staff lacked the expertise to grade these particular word coins. My submission, and several others pertaining to world coins, were to be taken back to PCGS headquarters. I had the option to either collect my submission at a future show or to pay for return shipping. I opted for the later, and the coins were returned within a fortnight.
Since this experience, I have opted to drop-off / submit Regular and Express service level submissions at the PCGS booth as an alternative to on-site grading (i.e., Show service levels). This saves on shipping and insurance costs in delivering coins to PCGS, and you are only charged the standard grading fees.
If you plan to have PCGS ship you the coins anyway, this might be worth considering.
Thanks for your input.