Gallery: my World Coins (1601-present), March 2023

This does not show a few newer purchases (FUN show, etc.) which as of this typing have not yet received writeups or been added to the online collection.
Thanks for looking and commenting, if you do.
Well done... some really nice coins... well played.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Nice collection and great presentation!
My current "Box of 20"
Look in my US coins, and you'll see one that will look familiar to you.
wow! what a beautiful variety of world coins. going to wait until I have an open evening this week to be able to spend a little more time going through these more methodically, but already see it will be quite the introduction to many issues I'm unfamiliar with. thanks for sharing!
Thanks for taking the time!
Your collection has evolved so nicely Rob. Great variety and character, thoughtfully curated and well presented. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice, great presentation. I lack the motivation to take proper photos of my collection since they are 99% unslabbed, but appreciate the effort in making this
Are you pursuing a "box of 50" approach or will you add more? I love some of your choices. I particularly like the British error and am surprised that nobody has given your Leopold 3 Kreuzer a "like". I've always loved these because they come in nice grades, have such a distorted portrait and are tangible evidence of the associated royalty "inbreeding" stories. The roller dies used are also interesting aspect of these and yours is quite a nice example.
Thank you for the detailed commentary! It’s exactly the sort of feedback I like to get. I thought about returning to a fixed quantity collection (“Box of 100” total), but in the end gave that up and split the collection into three categories instead. Its size is now constrained by the inner space of my safe deposit box, in which there isn’t much more room.
So it’s really just kind of a freestyle, rambling collection now, without too much rhyme or reason, though I do try to get a semi-coherent assortment of geographical regions, cultures, etc., and the US portion of the collection is sort of a loose type set in progress.
Again, I really appreciate your comments. Thanks.
Good Lord man, your Gothic Florin is fantastic. Outstanding!
Thanks! Good to see you again.
too too many too drool over.
Your 1808 Charles IV 8 escudos is just awesome!
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
@lordmarcovan I'm not crazy either about limiting the number of pieces in any collection because at some point you are forced to bump something that you thought to be previously worthy. On the other hand, focus, as you have done with your collections, is kind of like being concise with your words-saying the most with the fewest words, or in this case, coins. The words (coins) that you chose in such a circumstance determines the quality of the collection and you have said much in few words.