Tips for photographing/scanning graded cards

Constantly running into issues with glare, and my scans come out a little blurry. Any recs for lighting when taking pictures, or scanners that can capture the card clearly? Thanks!
Constantly running into issues with glare, and my scans come out a little blurry. Any recs for lighting when taking pictures, or scanners that can capture the card clearly? Thanks!
@1951WheatiesPremium typed in an earlier topic/thread to scan your cards with the scanner lid open and have the lights out...

That technique worked and works very well for me...Thanks 51Wheaties, Yep a pretty cool trick...
Open window shades to let daylight in but keep room lights off, then take the picture without a flash. That's how I take pictures without glare.
What scanner are you using? If it isn’t a CCD style scanner, you won’t be able to get them sharp. If you have an all in one printer/scanner it is most likely not a CCD scanner.
Recommend scanner is the Epson V600.
Scan in a dark room with the lid up. Please check out my scanning guide in my signature and let me know if you have any questions! It goes through all this and more.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Yes I hear the Epson 600 is a great scanner. I am going to ask Santa for one for Christmas.
I like the V600 too.
It'll pick up the peach fuzz on the nads of a Michigan mosquito.
I recently scanned these with my Epson V550 Photo scanner. I keep the cover up while scanning.

First, that Palmer is nice - well centered yoda - are you related to yoda99?
Do you have a mac? Mine has a feature to enhance my scans that I find really helpful.
Just got my V600 tonight and found your guide. Do you have recommendations for the updated Scan 2 software? Many of the settings (Home, Professional) are not in V2.
I have not used that software before. I typically check for updates for my windows 11 machine at:
Scanner Driver and EPSON Scan Utility v3.9.3.1 is the latest version for Windows 11. Download link is:
I assume you could still download that version if you want to. Sounds like the new software may have been dumbed down a bit, which is too bad. If you can't access all the settings as shown in my guide, I would try the links I posted.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF