
in Sports Talk
welcome bro. idk who you are, but i'm glad you're here. that's what you've gotta do -- just get buck naked and uncork a can opener in the deep end when everyone least expects it. if anyone lurking happens to be contemplating the same, follow Basebal21's blueprint. the more contributors around here, the better.
and if you happen to be an alt and my spidey sense has yet to pick up on it, then i'm an idiot and just disregard everything i said up above.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Not an at at all, hopefully that isnt a big thing. I love talking sports with anyone.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Welcome to the sports forum @Basebal21, make yourself at home. 🖒
I've already had above quality discussions with this guy and it's great to have him 🍻
Glad to have a new voice along for the ride. welcome aboard!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Well, I'll join the group with the welcome. Understand clearly, we all don't agree, but we do it respectfully.
Welcome and it is good to get your input.
Hi, hello, how are ya? Welcome