Jerry Jones throws Dak Prescott under the bus

in Sports Talk
There's drama in big D, Jerry Jones is blaming Dak Prescott and his contract for not being able to build a championship roster. Here's what he said:
"We want to get all the help around him, but, as we know, when you have a competitive paid quarterback in the NFL, then you're not gonna be able to get the most skill around him. You're going to have to pick your spots and we're gonna be a little slower just at what you're doing."
Jerry is the only one to blame here. He made the ultimate decision to sign Dak to that contract and now he must deal with the monetary consequences. He has nobody to blame but himself.
Both of them make up the problem, Dak wasn't giving any home town discounts for the better of the team and Jerry authorized the contract.
They are both equally guilty
Jerry wasn't lying though, in fact he was 100% correct
One of the things I admire about Tom Brady was his willingness to take pay cuts to make his team better, I don't understand why more quarterbacks won't do that, I guess it's just greed? Take Aaron Rodgers for example, he was willing to throw away the biggest weapon on the team just so he could have his massive contract.
O.K.,.....I'll just say it.....In my opinion, Dak Prescott is the most overrated player in the NFL. Kyler Murray comes in a close second..but that's all over now...history...Murray is a loser and EVERYONE knows it!.....It's all Dallas Cowboys "AMERICA'S TEAM" hype. It's been that way forever!...Dallas, Hype, Hype Hype!!!!
Jerry Jones is a egomaniac!..... Cowboy fans deserve better!. They love their team....
Problem is?......It's all about Jerry Jones!
And?....He believes his own Hype Bullsh*t!
FLASH!...I just went to the kitchen after posting the above. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ was eating pizza with Little Hydrantette Jenny. . I asked her, "You know what the problem is with the Cowboys?"....... She said, " They believe their own hype."....

She knows her football Boys!....Does she EVER!
P.S. There is 9' to 12' of snow on those mountains in that picture....3' more is expected this weekend. It's snowing there now....I can see it....People are stranded....snowbound.... For 10 days.....It's not good....and?....The idiots in charge around here can't figure out how to help them......Or they just don't care....Not Good....

Pray For Those People....
Is that Mt. Baldy? You know the actor Julian Sands disappeared about a month ago up there and hasn't been found yet.

Mt. San Antonio...
Mt. San Gregonio...
Mt. San Jaciento...
This whole valley in ringed by those hills...
They are 10,000' to 11,000' in elevation...
I'm at 1,500' here and the snow is coming down....
Nothing like it ever.....
I can see it snowing on those hills right now!...
I can't imagine what the people up there are going through!..
Ten plus days stranded!
No electricity....
They are running out of food....
Fuel is running out....
And what does anyone hear from the media?
And...our Governor has left California for " Personal Time."
It's a National Disgrace...
I've always had a fascination with mountains, those are beautiful!
I always loved this photo of a village in Switzerland and you can see the Matterhorn rising above in the far distance.
Interesting factoid.....

Mt. San Jacinto is the tallest Mountain in the lower 48 States when measured from it's base to summit
Mt. San Gregonio comes in second when measured from it's base to summit...
Tallest Mountains in the U.S.A.
Right here in SoCal..
I can see them from my backyard..
Simply put?
It's Paradise!
Now you know....
The Rest of The Story!
The problem isn't Dak Prescott, it belongs to Jerry Jones and it's the NFL and the way contracts are structured. Isn't it a common thing to "backload" contracts with base-pay and bonuses?? That's sort of the way Dak's is structured, which means if they want to "get all the help around him" that it needs to be done at the beginning of the contract when money is available, not at the end when Dak's salary increases. Management knows that, so I guess JJ needs to suck it up and admit he didn't do that.
Here's something for him to chew on: Jones sort of criticized Amari Copper after he had traded him to the Browns, but only when he understood the mistake he'd made. You don't get rid of potential number one's and then complain there isn't enough money to buy a number one.
when measured from it's base to summit
By using this logic, Mt. McKinley is the tallest mountain in the world. I don't think that's an argument you want to have, is it??
DP under the bus? No. Jerry Jones has never and would never do that................
I kinda agree with you about the most over-rated - except you missed Baker Mayfield, who is possibly (well, is actually) the most over-rated player EVER in the NFL. No one comes close in that aspect.
Case closed..............
Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl Years and Appearances
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I remember the 90s Cowboys, those were great times.
1994 all the way - with the help from Bernie Kosar...............He didn't win/play in the SB but he got them there by winning the NFC Championship game
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Of course I do. Measured from base to summit.... The tallest Mountain in the World is Diamond Head in Hawaii..... Maywood, here's how it works..... Think The Colorado Rockies and the city of Denver.....Denver is called the Mile High City for a reason....It is over 5,000' above sea level. The mountains behind it are 13,000'+ above sea level... Now.....subtract 5,000 from 13,000. What do you get?...8,000. That is the height of the Rockies from base to summit!.....It's just a mathematical fact.

Now,....The elevation of MT San Jacinto is 10,833'....but the base is some 200'+ BELOW SEA LEVEL! Crunch the numbers....It is the tallest Mountain in the lower 48. Base to summit.

Like it or not.....We have the tallest Mountains in the country right here in SoCal.....
My boys went to the Tetons to snowboard when they were teenagers....They came home and said, " Dad, they are just little hills!".....I said, "Damn right."
Hey, The Tallest Mountains in the Lower 48 are in SoCal.
Mt. Whitney....14,505'..
And,...The steepest vertical incline of any Mountain in the lower 48 is Mt. Santiago... Right behind my house...
I can't help it Brother...
I Didn't Design The Earth...
We also have the largest bird here in North America

The California Condor
Wing span 9' 5"
And the tallest and biggest trees..
And the Girls aren't to Shabby Either!
Eat Your Heart Out...
I remember that, Troy got knocked out of the game with a concussion and Kosar came in and hit Alvin Harper for a 42-yard touchdown pass sealed it up for the Cowboys. Kosar actually won a few games for the Cowboys during the 93' regular season as well when Troy went down with a hamstring injury.
I've always liked Kosar, he actually put Cleveland in a position to win a super bowl closer than anyone since Otto Graham.
I think Cleveland fired him from some position recently?
Whatever happens to the Cowboys can be directly attributed to Jones falling in love with his players. I don’t know the % of the team salaries fall on Deke and Dak but they have handicapped the team not only for starters but capable backups.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Jones biggest mistake was giving an ineffective Zeke huge money
@perkdog said: I've always liked Kosar, he actually put Cleveland in a position to win a super bowl closer than anyone since Otto Graham. I think Cleveland fired him from some position recently?
Kosar had been working as a radio personality and was fired for gambling. Though he wasn't hired by/working for the Browns he was still considered accountable to the NFL's applicable rules on gambling. He made a wager of $19k, coinciding with his Browns number, with a licensed Ohio online sportsbook and it was known that if he won the money was going to his favorite charity.
He bet on Cleveland to win.
As to the QB's who best put them in a position to win an NFL Championship/Super Bowl, that would be Frank Ryan who did it numerous times and Bill Nelson who did it once., all during the 1960's.
I remember of Kosar being considered a very accurate passer for his time
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I believe mountain heights is measured like @hydrant says. And elevation is from sea level. 🤷
Here's a simple experiment you can do at home! Take two water glasses. One 6" tall and one 4" tall. Place them side by side on a table top. Lable the 6" glass Mountain #1. Lable the 4" glass Mountain #2. Clearly, the 6" glass is taller than the 4" glass....By 2". Now label the table top "Denver, Colorado 5,280' Elevation." Then Lable the floor "Southern California Coastline elevation 0' ". I.e., Sea Level. Next, place the 6" glass on the floor. Now, ask yourself this question: Is the 4" glass now taller than the 6" glass?..Answer; No. It is higher than the 6" glass but it is still shorter by 2". In other words, ...The glass labeled Mountain #2 is at a higher elevation than the glass labeled Mountain #1, but it is not taller. Elevation and height of an object are not the same thing. Apples and oranges.....
Now think of the mountains behind Denver, Colorado as the 4" glass sitting on a plateau 5,280' in elevation. And think of the mountains behind Los Angeles as the 6" glass sitting at Sea Level, zero feet elevation......

Los Angeles

The height of any object, a water glass or a mountain , has nothing to do with the elevation of the object in question. The Rocky Mountains are at a higher elevation than the SoCal mountain ranges.....But they are not as " tall."
Got it?
Either way, I think the L.A. and Denver skylines are both beautiful... The Best!
Dragon Master,.....It appears that I, Lowly Grasshopper, has highjacked your thread.......It was my pleasure! 😂
Are you saying that elevation is above sea level, height is from base. That's what I said. 😅 Just kidding.
Jerry Jones and his son Stephen are terrible at football operations. Will McClay is sort of the GM, not really. Paid like one.
Think about this. Zeke held out. Years early. Jerry was on the radio and tv every day, as was his son, talking bs. Pretty soon, they re-sign Jaylon Smith. Early. Huge extension. Unwarranted. Excessive. Terrible. Jerry Jones admits he did it to reward a player he said was doing things right, in response to Zeke's holdout. Then he extended Zeke anyway.
Jerry Jones always says "deadlines make deals". But in his case, it means he waits often until too late and overpays, or overpays early.
Oooooor, he let's people like Amare Cooper go almost for free. Then overpays another receiver, Gallup, who was hurt. Lol.