Sweet setup!

in Sports Talk
I ran across this photo on social media, someone turned their back yard into a wiffle ball field for their kids!
It's nice, but I have to say....the coo thing about wiffle ball is that you can play it anywhere, no field required. Lol.
Yes, but wouldn't it be cool to have a nice, big, juicy field to play on, complete with dugouts, I wish we had one growing up. I was fortunate enough to have a decent sized backyard with a fence, and plenty of room for pickup games in the neighborhood. We also had a basketball goal in the driveway, but nothing like this!
A peasant like me can only dream of such a setup, these days if I want to play a game of basketball, I head to my local Walgreens, aisle four.
Really Awesome!

When my boys were young I built a batting cage and set out bases. It was a magnet for the Little League crowd! So many boys would come out to spend the weekend taking hitting practice and playing baseball. It wasn't as nice as the one pictured though.
The best part?.....Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast for the kids! The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ would get up early and make the boys a " Country Breakfast! "......Those boys loved it! We still joke around here as to how many pancakes The Lovely Mrs Hydrant™ cooked up for those kids!......THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS!!!!....
After Breakfast?.....
A couple of those boys went on to play MLB.
But what I'm most proud of?
They keep in touch and they are now family men......Beautiful wives and happy little children of their own!.....
I love it!
Best Memories Ever!
I Think It Was All Because of The Pancakes...
I Love Baseball!
I have to add this......Of all "My Boys", there is one who stands out above them all. Not because of baseball. But, he was a pretty good little second baseman. His name was Jeff McKee. He became a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff. He was off duty one night and stopped to help a stranded lady. Changing her flat tire. He was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Left behind a wife and two little kids.......He was a happy little boy.......And a HERO of a MAN!

Check this out, a man built a miniature Fenway Park wiffle ball field in his yard, it's got a green monster wall!
And Wendy Peffercorn

I don't want to screwup your thread Dragon Master,.....But, I will anyway!..... Right now I am working on a new sports project for the Little Hydrants. A motor cross track!.....We called it a TT Track back when I was young. Dirt bikes and dune buggies and racing old junk cars has always been a big part of Hydrant Family entertainment on the ranch. My Dad was a fanatic!..... More on that later. Anyway, it's what I'm doing right now. Moving rocks, boulders, setting out orange cones etc. It's a labor of love.....It's coming together!..... Here are a few pictures...... There's a LOT more.....This is just in the backyard....

Testing Ground For Hydrantette Nicole...
I'm Having The Time of My Life!
I take The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ out for a spin every evening....
Just To Scare Her!!!!
More Photos To Follow......
It's All For The Children My Friends..
Maybe just a little bit for the Old Man!
Just a Little Bit....
That is awesome, looks like a blast!
Thank you for sharing those amazing pics @Hydrant . As I always say, Felicidades 🙏❤️
I am going to take this perfect moment to say that I will be MIA for a bit. Nothing to be concerned with, nor nefarious.
Looks fun!
There was a homemade Fenway Park wiffle ball field in Massachusetts years ago, not sure if it's still around
Imagine being a kid having this in your backyard!