Gooseneck Ringlight option for Coin Photo System-400R
I've offered various LED lights on my coin photo systems over the years:
Jansjo - these were great but IKEA discontinued them a few years ago. I still have some of these left to go with my microscope stand based systems and in case folks need replacements.
5W Quans - these were my choice to replace the Jansjos. They lens themselves to adding masked diffusers to allow optimized lighting for both slabs (without glare) and raw coins (for high-angle lighting). Unfortunately these have always been hit or miss for availability. I still have some available as options for mounting on my extruded column based systems.
Quans v2- these were my recent choice to give folks an option to mount to the wood base of the cellphone stands, and because they are "pancake" style they can fit more easily between the phone and the coin or slab. They can mount to the wood bases, have switchable color temperature, variable intensity, and plug into USB for power, so are extremely flexible and convenient. They also have integrated diffusion, which works well, and can be easily masked to shape the light for avoiding slab glare or optimizing light angles. But again, unfortunately these have recently become unavailable at reasonable prices. I still have some available for the cellphone stands or for camera systems with wood bases.
Gooseneck Ringlight - these are my latest option for flexible lighting. They have the USB power, dimmer, switchable color, and integrated diffusion of the Quans v2. By masking parts of the ringlight you can optimize the size and direction of the light source, or leave the full ringlight for medals, proofs, etc. They can also either be mounted directly to the wood base (see System-400R below) or I can mount on a bracket to the aluminum column. Best of all they are the least expensive option yet. My first pricing estimate is $65 either mounted to the base or the column. Check out a System-400 with the Gooseneck Ringlight, what I am calling System-400R, in the pic below.
Let me know any questions about these lighting options, or visit my website to see the different systems I'm offering, at