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Lowest Price Ever Paid For a CAC Stickered PCGS Mint State Coin?

winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,679 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 20, 2023 6:23AM in Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

For my Lincoln Wheat DATE set, the last hole I had to fill was 1957. I wanted a coin graded MS67RD with a CAC sticker, preferably the lower cost 1957-D. After searching vigorously for over a year, NOTHING showed up in auction that fit the bill. As such, human nature took hold when I saw (and bought) a lovely 1957-D Lincoln graded “only” MS66RD, and no CAC sticker. A VERY inexpensive coin!

So while I waited for an upgrade to the MS67RD grade I wanted, along with a CAC sticker, I figured what the heck. I was sending a few coins to CAC, so I threw in this MS66RD Lincoln with an extra $16. Sure enough, it got stickered!

I got my MS67RD upgrade with a CAC sticker a short time ago, so the lovely but cheap MS66RD 1957-D Lincoln, now with a CAC, is up for auction at Great Collections. I had them start the bidding at only $1, and it is now at $8, lol. My guess is the final price on March 5th will only be around $35 or so. I believe this might potentially end up at a record low price paid for any problem-free attractive Mint State coin graded by PCGS with a CAC sticker.

Interesting tidbit- I just checked the GC Coin Auction Archive and the PCGS Auction Prices Realized - neither shows ANY 1957-D Lincoln Cent graded MS66RD by PCGS with a CAC sticker as having been auctioned. As such, whatever it sells for will set TWO records for that date and grade - the lowest price ever paid, and the highest price ever paid (according to their records), lol.

Here are GC’s photos for this GC Item ID 1324326:

A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:


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