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OLD numismatic books..

CoinCoinsCoinCoins Posts: 698 ✭✭✭
edited February 19, 2023 4:21PM in World & Ancient Coins Forum

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a specialized website, or any upcoming auctions I can send these to. I bought them as a collection from a friend, and I'm having a hard time finding homes for them. Pretty 'niche' I guess.

Here's a list, and a few pics.. help me sell these :)

1571 Spanhemii Disertationes de Praestantia et usu Numismatum Antiquorum
1620 Sylloge Numismatum Elegantiorum
1697 The Knowledge of Medals - William Rogers
1717 Inleiding Tot De Heedendaagsche Penningkunde - Sheepskin Vellum
1722 Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Chronika - 3 Volumes
1725 Arsacidarum Imperium Sive Regum Parthorum Historia - Tomus Primus
1798 Steineri Dum Viveret Pastoris Ad D. Vdalrici Aug. Vindel. Biblia In Numis. "Steiners"
1804 Annalen der gesammten Numismatik
1806 Annalen der gesammten Numismatik
1811 Handwörterbuch der gesamten Münzfunde
1827 & 1828 Kupfer-Kabinet, oder Beschreibung einer großen Anzahl Kupfermünzen
1827 Kupfer Kabinet - Reinhardt
1833 Vollstandiges Handbuch der Munz, Bank und Wechselverhaltnisse
1841 The Silver Coins of England - Hawkins
1843 Die Beckerschen Falschen Münzen - M. Pinder
1848 Die Munzen ber bentfehen kaifer und konige
1848 Die Munzen und Medaillen der ehemaligen Capitel und Sedisvacanzen
1849 Remarkable Medieval Coins, Mostly Unpublished with Engravings - Lindsay
1850 Die Oskischen Munzen - Friedlaender
1853 Munzsammlung - Fliessbach
1858-1872 Beschreibung der bekanntesten Kupfermünzen - 6 Volumes - Neumann
1861 Poste's Gaulish and British Coins - Beale Poste
1864 Pommerns Munzen im Mittelalter - Dannenberg
1867 Schriften uber Munzkunde - Leitzmann
1876 The Coinages of the World; Ancient and Modern - Geo D. Mathews
1880 Die Munzen Der Stadt Kaufbeuren - Rehle (German Edition)
1891 Grundzüge der Münzkunde - Hermann Dannenberg
1893 Standard Coin Catalog Silver and Gold Illustrated 27th Edition
1895, 1897, 1901 Philatelic Chronicle - Lot of 7
1896 Munzen, Medaillen und Pragungen 1521-1564 - Ferdinand I
1896 The International Stamp Volume 1, No. 2-12 + 1897 Vol. 2 - Lot of 12
1896, 1899, 1901 The Bay State Philatelist - Lot of 3
1900-1901 American Philatelist Magazine - Lot of 9
1903 Brandenburg Preussische Thaler - Nachfolger
1905 Illustrated Coin Book - A.M. Smith
1911 A List of Fixed Prices - Catalog of Gold, Silver and Copper US & Foreign
1913 Syrakusisches Kleingeld im 5. Jahrhundert - Philipp Lederer (very rare)
1920 Monnaies Antiques - Collection De Monsieur B
1940 The Squibb Ancient Pharmacy - Urdang
1944 Numismatic Fine Arts Stock Catalog With Fixed Prices - Edward Gans
1965 Select Numismatic Bibliography - Elvira Clain-Stefanelli
Dr. Hans Nussbaum Zürich 1935 Verzeichnis
July & August 1924 "Stamp Collecting" Weekly Newspaper - Lot of 2
Otto Helbing Nachf. Munchen Barerstrasse 20 - Munzen und Medaillen


  • CoinCoinsCoinCoins Posts: 698 ✭✭✭

    p.s. sorry if this is the wrong place for this :/

  • OnwardOnward Posts: 23 ✭✭

    It might be good to talk with Mr. David Fanning, he may be able to offer valuable guidance for many of these.


    Pursuing Charles & Joanna, especially Early Series

  • SimonWSimonW Posts: 1,004 ✭✭✭✭✭

    How much is the old one? Totally want it!

    I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.

  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,582 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 20, 2023 12:04AM

    The buy-sell spread on books is huge. Kolbe & Fanning is very picky about what they accept (and they are only numismatic, not philatelic booksellers). And the market for these is likely slim.

    But I think auction is the best venue for many of these.

    Edited to add: except the Select Numismatic Bibliography, which is a $20-25 book on a good day.

  • CoinCoinsCoinCoins Posts: 698 ✭✭✭
    edited February 20, 2023 4:25PM

    @SimonW said:
    How much is the old one? Totally want it!

    1571? make me an offer :) i'm thinking around $400

    thanks for the private messages. emails have been sent to those sites B)

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