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Capped Bust Half Dime challenge: can you attribute this marriage?

BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 469 ✭✭✭✭✭

The "baby busties" were minted from 1829 thru 1837. There are 92 die marriages (a unique pairing of a specific obverse with a specific reverse) in the series. To us geeks who collect by die marriage, identifying the marriages quickly gives a leg up on cherrypicking the rare ones. I've attributed the coin below (and have no intention of buying it). Anyone want to take a crack?

1. As the seller points out by saying "183x," it's not an 1829. Removing those 18 marriages leaves you with only 74 marriages!
2. If you believe it's a marriage that has remarriages (e.g., the 1829 LM-13.1 or LM-13.2) then a correct attribution of the marriage is simply LM-13. (Don't need remarriage to score a "win")
3. A "win" gives you bragging rights but no material prizes. But you might meet fellow enthusiasts, and that ain't bad!
4. I'll reveal (my) attribution no later than Saturday morning. (But hey - maybe I got it wrong...)


New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set


  • BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 469 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hint... 1830? I know there are hardcore half dime aficionados out there. I guess they may not be in here right now... ?

    New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set

  • BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 469 ✭✭✭✭✭

    OK... I really thought someone would try! I mean, it's mid-February. What else ya doing? Valentine's Day is over, the Super Bowl has been played, the balloon has been shot down, it's not yet lawn-mowing season...



    New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set

  • Aegis3Aegis3 Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭

    My best guess is 1830 LM-8, but not certain.


    Ed. S.

  • BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 469 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Aegis3 I agree! Well done! Below images are why I think so.
    The Logan McCloskey book says of 1830 Obverse 3:
    Dotted Date, Stars 6 and 7 close
    It also has a prominent center dot, S8 and S9 close, S11 and S12 close.

    With that hypothesis, Obv 3 is only paired with Rev J (for a scarce LM-6) or Rev K (for the common LM-8 as you say.)
    C1 Level with I2 and A3
    Also, NI close, ED close, scroll begins under left edge of serif of E1, scroll ends just right of center of M, and small period centered over space between two dentils.

    Ed, it's nice to meet you and congrats! :-)

    New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set

  • Aegis3Aegis3 Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭

    I started with the reverse, as I often find them easier to attribute. From the scroll endings I was able to narrow it down to five different dies. The stem/C position, and I suspect maybe one or two other attributes, narrowed it down to the one 1830 die, for two varieties. The 6-7 and *1-bust attributes then finally led me to my answer.


    Ed. S.


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