Yet another hidden gem from the DD vault. His frat days at Delta Tau Chi, aka Animal House

in Sports Talk
Long live the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
Lol. I haven't seen Animal House in decades,and I will probably watch again
LOL, I couldn't eat 250 of them. For the record, the most I've eaten at one time was 16, I once ate 4 king size packs, each pack containing 4 Reeses peanut butter cups, consecutively. My favorite drink to go with Reeses is a cold Mountain Dew, it must be cold or it doesn't work. Oh man, I'm starting to get the craving, I'm going to have to stop by a convenience store tomorrow and stock up!
more like cool hand luke and 50 hard boiled eggs
Holy sugar rush!
For some reason I don't think that I ever ate a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. I don't like any type of candy very much. Then.....Because of these posts, I bought one. It was good....I liked it but only ate half. Not bad.
Jolly Rancher Sour Apple!

My Favorite!
Please save your man card by saying that you only ate half because it was a giant one, or you took one bite then had to rush to kill a rattlesnake, or something... j/k @hydrant
color me extremely skeptical. i have a voracious appetite and there's no way i could even sniff 250. yet here's a 150-lb-soaking-wet guy who supposedly found room in his belly to store 10 days worth of chocolately calories and live to tell about it. fire hydrant couldn't even finish one.
i say fancy editing, and i call bull pop tarts.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Actually I don't like chocolate.... And as far as rattlesnakes? I turned over a broken branch on the ranch just yesterday..... And guess what was underneath hibernating....That serpent is in snake Hell now.....That makes the first one this year! Nine in 12 months.

My "Man Card" is validated and up to date.
The Lovely Mrs Hydrant™ was curious about hearing the blast from the 12 gauge so she came out to investigate....While she was there she snapped these photos in the back yard.....

Eat Your Heart Out....
The Beer Is On Ice......
Alright @hydrant you're back in the boys club.