Altered surface

in Q & A Forum
Does anyone know why the labeled coins Altered surface NGC don't put them in a box and have no picture?
Just curious? Did they put it in a 2x2 flip with a paper label? I wonder if the "body bags" of days gone by still show up from time to time?
Hi, Cozi.
This goes back a long time, but I submitted several Peru 8 Reales Coins to NGC for certification. One came back with a label marked "Planchet Flaw", underlined with a yellow marker in a flip with no grade. Interestingly, they misidentified the coin. There's more to this story. I can't do photos yet, but I have had help from several members. It's on my list!!
If anyone is curious, I doubt that NGC keeps records on "body-bagged" (ungraded) coins but if they do, this is 2293097-003. The coin label is marked 1823 JP Peru 8R Royalist Issue. The defective planchet description is correct, but he coin is KM-117.1 and clearly not KM-130 (the Loyalist Issue) and not 1824. Big goof there, boys and girls. They would not accept it for correction because couldn't prove that the coin is the exact one that I submitted. Oh well, I lost THAT round, years ago.
Piano1 (Possibly changing to my old user name of years ago; MusicAL. It's in the works.)