Request For A Canadian Small Cents Registry Set

Hi first message here. There is a pretty active registry set community up in Canada. We have a set for all of the Canadian large cents but we do not have a set for all of the Canadian small cents. I would love to see one established!
Howdy and welcome.
I'm really surprised that PCGS does not already have a registry set for Canadian small cents. This seems like something they would have already had in place, but this registry forum might not be where the request could make the most impact. When I wanted PCGS to add a Newfoundland half dollar registry that removed the Victoria pieces from the combined Victoria, Edward VII and George V set, I had to submit a form from my Registry set with, if I recall correctly, a short reason why the new set should exist along with at least five coins that I already owned and that would be populating the set. After a few days, PCGS made the new set.
That new set is here-
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
TomB. I asked an individual about adding the set and they said the nest way to do it was from the Set Registry page, so I am guessing this is what they meant. I hope so! I must say the Newfoundland 50 set confuses me a bit. I understand why there would be a set with that and Victoria combined, or the monarchs alone individually. But putting George and Edward together seems a bit odd to me.
I asked for the George V and Edward VII series in a single set because at the time PCGS only had one registry set for NFLD half dollars and it had all three Victoria, Edward VII and George V together. Since the Victoria had both a different obverse and reverse from the latter halves, yet the Edward VII and George V series shared a reverse, I thought I had a good chance of getting PCGS to create a new series without Victoria. Also, given that both the Edward VII and George V series only had four coins in them each, I thought that I wouldn't be able to meet their minimum requirement for coins in a set. Therefore, I simply asked PCGS to create a set by the removal of Victoria and they agreed with my logic.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Anyway, I think you either got poor information or you didn't go where the information was telling you to go. You are on the Registry Forum at PCGS, which is a general discussion board for the Set Registry. What I had to do, and what I suspect the other person wanted you to do, is to log into your PCGS Set Registry account, go down the left-hand side of the page to the option that says "SET REQUEST", click on that to get to a page that has information on how to request a new set including a link that says "PCGS New Set Request Form", click on that link, fill out the information asked/required in the "New Set Request Form" and click "Submit Request".
When I did this it took about two days for PCGS to build out the new set. Good luck!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Aaah I get it on the Newfie halves now. And thanks for the pointer!