Lawrence Taylor says Joe Cool is the greatest, not Tom Brady

in Sports Talk
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Lawrence Taylor has also admitted he smoked crack. 😎
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I don't ever remember smoking crack......But if I did, well I probably wouldn't remember....

Anyway, Joe Montana is my all time favorite QB. I'm biased.....But you had to be there.....Maybe that's where Taylor is coming from...Crack or no crack.....He might just know something? You had to be there.....Joe was something special!.....
One Of The Best......Ever...
You Had To Be There....
Thats what I get for not even reading the article lol, I thought he was talking about Joe Namath. I've watched plenty of Montana's games and he's definitely worthy of being called the GOAT,no argument there.
LT was still a crackhead. 🤣😂🤣😂
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Brady has my vote regardless of what LT says and LT is my number one defensive player of all time
I love Joe Montana, but his career lacked the length of Tommys.
number 2 all time is nothing to sneeze at
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
When the celebration started after 28-3, Brady was the GOAT. The End.
Joe was best for his era. Brady has the most SuperBowl wins and if that is anything to judge by, well......... Montana will always be my favorite tho'.
The old timers can take Montana and Brown, I'd be happy with Brady and Sanders
Perky, Sometimes the old timers do know something..... They've seen a lot.....
However, I don't think any old geezer here has said that they think Montana was better than Brady.....Just that Montana is their Favorite..... There is a Big difference there. Memories are sweet....I hope you grow old and grey....then you'll get it.
And, I do not agree that Brown was anywhere near the best. I never did and I never will.
Brady was the best......Joe Cool is my favorite....
Big Difference My Friend....
While Brady has had a longer and more storied career, I will take Joe. Although since I had season tickets from 76-96 I am not exactly unbiased.
JMHO, but I think Joe Montana in his prime would do better in todays game than Tom Brady in his prime would have done in the 1980's, and that's just a feeling. Joe was sort of ahead of his time with his skill set.
Also, one thing to remember about Jim Brown: during his entire nine year NFL career he never missed a down due to injury. Considering how often he carried the ball and the fact that defenses keyed on him exclusively it is hard to comprehend that. It's one thing that he has in common with Tom Brady, they took incredibly good care of their bodies and both men had a dedication to the game that is rarely seen.
I get the feeling that you are a big Browns fan, Maywood....Like really, really, BIG!....For a long, long time...

Good For You...
You Might Just Get The Last Laugh
@Hydrant said: I get the feeling that you are a big Browns fan.
I used to be, not so much anymore.
I was just talking in general good sir!!!
I have some great memories of watching Montana and think the guy was awesome
If the game was on the line in a big game, Montana was the GOAT. I choose Montana because he played in a tougher era.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21