Hand cutting services?
Posts: 71 ✭✭
Hey there ^_^
I have quite a few Swedish Record Journal cards and Gong stickers/cards but I utterly don't trust my card cutting skills as I've just decimated a few practice cards with a metal ruler and an X-Acto knife thence my enquiry as to whether there a card cutting service I could use? Or have members cut cards for anyone before?
All comments are welcomed.
Those are great! Just send the full magazines to cgc for total encapsulation. So cool.
Maybe worth more uncut?
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
Thanks but WOAH! PSA would grade a full cover even for the Swedish Reckord magazine cover? But are there also no users who've hand-cut cards for others?
I'm pretty good at these type of items.
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
There are a few you could contact. Your next step would be searching the board archives for old threads. This same thread has been started a bunch of times by several different people over the years, specifically for Rekord Journal items, and you'd find answers already posted.
You can call up PSA and ask them what they think about grading the whole cover. If nothing else, it would give you knowledge to make the best decision right for you.
If these cards are still collectible when cut out, how are the different types of cuts accounted for? There are different types of cuts one can make that will affect the appearance of the card edges. There is the X-acto knife cutting, laser cutting, machine cutting, etc. It's not a factory uniform type cut, so I am not sure how grading companies handle handcut cards. I am sure there is an answer to this, I am just not knowledgeable about it.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
xacto knife ? YIKES !!!!
use a paper cutter
OOO any suggestions on which paper cutter
AmazonBasics Paper Trimmer -12" Blade, 10 Sheet Capacity
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Size: 12"
Try asking someone at a Staples or Office Max type store if they could do it for you.
I have used the Ingento paper cutter for years and have gotten really good results.
I have a simple Fiskurs surecut. Works well fine me.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
I have used the above paper cutter for all of my Hotess panels.
I have used all the mentioned cutters. They all can work, but if blade gets dull, it can tear the paper.
I have the best results with the xacto and the Zirconium blades. I change them often.
Practice with whatever works best for you.