My Queen's beasts gold completer is showing after some time this little black spot..( what is it and ...why...? )....shall I worry about it and try to get rid of by any cleaning or forget that considering I bought it just as an investment and not a collector's piece ...? Thank you all !

Wrong forum.
Flagged (wrong forum)
can you please help where should I post it thanks
It's in the right place now; the moderators have moved here from wherever it was that you originally posted it.
As for your question, yes it is a cause for concern. A .999 gold coin shouldn't stain like that - which makes me think it might not be genuine .999 gold. I'd weigh it to check if it really does weigh 1 troy ounce.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
What @Sapyx said.