Smoke em' if you got em'

in Sports Talk
Photos of athletes or coaches smoking, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.
Photos of athletes or coaches smoking, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.
This is one of my favorite photos, boxer Lionel Rose smoking a pipe.
Look at Wayne Gretzky with a stogey in his mouth.
Mike Tyson smoking a huge joint at a weed festival.
Sparky Anderson smoking a pipe.
well what about the dipper's....hang on a sec i gotta spit...
Look at Jack Nicklaus with the shades on!
dipping killed this guy.
Guidry swallowed a mouthful of chewing tobacco leaping for a Rich Dauer bouncer in the fifth, developed an upset stomach and dizzy spells by the seventh and had to be removed for Gossage.
"I told Billy Martin that I felt queasy," said Guidry, who started chewing regularly last season. "I had a headache and I didn't know where I was in the seventh inning. Probably the worst thing that could have happened to me had I stayed in was throwing up on national television."


This guy Bautista got himself smoked...does that count? 😆


University of Mars.
Ben Hogan has a smoke at the Masters.
Arnold Palmer.
Joe Burrow's famous cigar celebration.
The legendary Bear Bryant.
Vince Lombardi.
Willie Davis.
Joe Torre.
Shame on me for forgetting about John Daly. Shame on me!
He was the first guy i tnought of when I saw the thread lol
Shame on me!
unless you really follow golf you probably won't know who this guy is. his name is Miguel Ángel Jiménez and he plays on the Champions (senior) tour. 59-year-old Spaniard who wears his hair in a ponytail and has a stogie in his piehole more often than a baby does a pacifier. collects luxury sports cars like i collect dirt cheap sports cards. and he's a very accomplished golfer, believe it or not. i looked up his bio and he has won 41 tournaments worldwide in his career. but he is such a trip. check out his pre-round warm-up session on the range in the clip below.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
My all time faveorite name in racing...........Dick Trickle actually smoked in his race car during cautions......
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Is that a gas can right behind him?
After a win over Tennessee.

Henry and Saban
Who knows - maybe that's the Kinfolk unloading Mr Trickles trunk from running moonshine - ?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
HEY! How'de He get in this thread?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"