Need ID help for copper piece w/ horseback rider & spear

I'm not having any luck identifying this coin/token. Almost looks ancient-ish, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
I'm not having any luck identifying this coin/token. Almost looks ancient-ish, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
Oh, it's easy. It's russian coin "kopeika", minted in Moscow by Kadashewsky mint place in 1705 by tsar Petr Great. You see letters like date in slavic designation. In Russia in this condition it casts near 15$.
Hi from Russia and peace for everyone.
If you have interest. In obverse: "tsar (like king) Petr Alekseevich (his father tsar Aleksey)", in reverse "all Russia lord", "мд" under horseman is letters of Kadashewsky mint place and can read like "Moscow mint place". It's the first year of mint, in 1704 was pattern.
Thanks! I looked under Russia but I didn't go far enough back, I guess.
The "1706" date is written in Cyrillic numerals, which were derived from the ancient Greek numeral system. Peter the Great abolished Cyrillic numerals and replaced them with regular Western numerals fairly early in his reign, as part of his efforts to make Russia more "European". So there aren't very many coin types that bear these Cyrillic dates, since most Russian coins struck prior to 1700 don't bear any date at all.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
The last letter "E" (sometimes bad condition of stamp makes like "F") means "5". In 1706 this coins minted too with the same date 1705. In another mint place minted this nominal with date 1706 (the last letter "S") but it's another type witt letters "БК" of mint place.