1795 Wurzburg medal in White Metal

Picked up a medal out of curiosity today in the waning hours of the Stacks sale (thanks for the tip from @Zohar). It is a white metal version of a Wurzburg sede vacante medal that I already had in silver. A comparison of the two is pictured below. My knowledge about white metal is quite limited.....any good recommendations for additional reading? Per other threads on the forum, generally white metal is comprised of tin with variable amounts of alloy included. Copper plugs were added to prevent corrosion. Any idea as to the rationale of both white metal strikes and silver strikes? What audience would have been the target for a WM strike of a medal commemorating the death of a bishop? I have more questions than answers at this point.
White metal strike:
Silver strike:
Nice! Very nice!
As for why the WM issue, I speculate that it’s a trial strike.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
I love this purchase and the likely fact this is not a standard issue. Selling this in the US likely gets fewer eyeballs which played into your hands. Congrats.