New sets

Hi. Hopefully someone can put me on the right track. I have recently started some new sets that include coins that are already registered in existing different sets. When I open the new set some coin slots are not filled by the existing coins and I cannot manually add them to the existing slot because a message says coin already exists. Thanks in advance. Regards Don
I can only guess that sharing of a coin between sets is not allowed. I have not tried it though. I do know the registry page likes to tell me how many of my coins are not part of any set.
USAF veteran 1984-2005
This is incorrect. I partake in many different Registry sets, and as long as a coin qualifies, that same cert number can be included in each set. For example, I have a 1901 Indian Head Cent graded MS66+. That same coin is in my 55 coin Indian Cent Basic set, my 20th Century Type Set, my Basic U.S. Coin Design set, my Complete Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set, and my Small Cent Type Set.
To me, @frehley , it sounds like that message you’re receiving indicates that coin/cert number is still registered in a set by a prior owner. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, and don’t take a minute to remove coins from their registry when they sell a coin (or maybe they died). As such, when you enter a cert number to be added and if it is still registered in someone else’s name, you get an immediate pop up from PCGS that indicates it’s registered in someone else’s name. Check the box, and PCGS computers then automatically sends an email to that other person asking them to remove the coin. If they do then remove it over the next few days, you’ll get an email from PCGS computers letting you know it’s been removed. You can then look at your set, and on the left side of that slot, see a hotlink to “Add coin”. Then hit that and add your coin. But if the former owner ignored the PCGS email request, you have to wait three business days from the start, then upload obverse and reverse “Ransom” slab photos via the PCGS registry tool (photos showing the slab with a current date, like a newspaper, etc.). Then that same or next business day PCGS will remove the coin from the other person’s set. Proceed then as described above.
Good luck!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Thanks @PapiNE for your reply. The problem I have is associated with what you mentioned in the first part of your reply, I have multiple sets that include the same cert numbers but in some of the sets only some of the cert numbers are added whilst others are not. Thanks
A call to the PCGS Registry # and they'll get you straightened out. Just last week I started a new set, my highest rated coins didn't show when I clicked " add a coin " even though they were already in my previous set. One phone call and, The next day " WA LA " they were in my set.