Little Hydrant #14 On The Way!

in Sports Talk
O.k., I know it's not sports related.... But I couldn't help myself!..... Hydrant Daughter-In-Law Audrey just broke the News!
Chip Off The Old Block!
congrats 🎉
Awesome! Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉
Congratulations on the new Hydrantette. Tell your daughter-in-law to pick up the pace, I would like to see records broken on this matter. I believe the current record is held by this man, he had 94 children by 39 different women. He passed away a while back, but he left one heck of a legacy!
@hydrant your depictions of the Hydrant women leave me with questions and a queasy feeling.
Congratulations sir!
Ya gotta teach them Male Hydrants to stop doing this.................
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Hey, Stevie, I think you're on to something... That's the family business...... You cannot image how many fire hydrants get knocked over by ladies at the grocery store parking lot....never ending....... It's affected my boy's brains! Not to mention their libidos!....I get it now!

Now they're off to Yellowstone next week for snowmobiling!
Oh, well.....#14 Is On The Way!
I'm a Happy Pappy!
Hmmmm, sounds familiar.....
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"